In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

AND PROBABLY all males, all about the tunnels.

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

Is there a huge age-old hatred of women?
Not that all men are bad, not at all, but -
All these men to men couples where one pretends to be a woman.
Or look at women's sports where men pretend to be women and wind up with all the prizes and trophies.
Why have original names for women been changed -
Chest feeding, birthing parent, etc

In response Every Time to her Publication

You know I want to laugh, but now I am
seeing men receive boob jobs in the
VA Hospital….
This is nuts!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Oh good grief,
every time I look at AU,
there's something new.
that makes me want to puke!

It is one thing to research and
make a little fun of the past….
Seeing it first hand being
shoved in our faces.
Honestly is contributing to my
being so upset about our
horrible healthcare now Every Time.

In response Every Time to her Publication

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In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Urban, horrible knowing the depths of evil but maybe we’ll be able to help people later.
I never knew you need health solution. I’m sorry.
I’ve gotten 54 tick bites that I know of, all documented, the ticks saved, rashes photographed, dates noted, symptoms recorded with positive test results for 9 different diseases and 28 family members have had Lyme, etc- some worse than me, others not as bad.
I became a Lyme patient advocate and came to believe God allowed me to be sick so I would help. I felt blessed to be working with fellow advocates.
Recently I came across info that proved the medical establishment and our 3-letter institutions knew everything about Lyme but instead of saving patients, they denied us and watched us suffer and yes, even die. After I read this proof, I wept. I still don’t know how to dealt with it.
Advocates called our cause The Lyme Wars.
I think we did some good even as evil was yes, 'shoved in our faces'.
Please God, for all of us, enough!

In response Every Time to her Publication

I truly appreciate you confirming a perspective that
keeps me strong in faith.
I used to love traveling and photographing
life with progress, after three hard years of
physical therapy from a horrible motorcycle accident with a nefarious core
VA Hospital connection.
Doctors thought prescribing a medication that dropped my blood pressure….
left me in a long battle to walk again.
It was 2008-2011, thankfully some of the best wound care team,
physical medicine and programs
were available due to the 22billion infused after
Operation Iraqi Freedom(OIF).
What motivated most of us was community.
That was stripped from us beginning
four years ago.
The challenge I face now,
much needed consults for holistic options
continue to disappear.
Once I spoke strongly against vaccines and
being forced to wear face masks…
Now veterans like myself are
not treated well.

Thank you….after a good cup of coffee,
will have some excited questions about
your journey as an advocate.❤️

In response Every Time to her Publication

As the coffee brews….
Hope all our prayers for
healing humanity are
being collectively gathered in
God’s ears.

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