We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!
God is inside all of us. Therefore God is NOT doing that, WE ARE. We allow it. When we stand as one United God WE WIN.
Yes, I agree that every Soul is of and part of Source Creation.
"god" is a man made word.
This post is for all those who believe in a god outside themself, a god they give their power over to, they worship and pray to.
A god they believe is an all powerful, judging Being that will determine who gets salvation and who will go to a hell, when any and all hells, as displayed in this photo, are right here in present time realities.
A god who will come save them from evil.
What kind of all powerful, all knowing "god" allows this?
All the while, NOT Knowing the "Spark" of Source Creation,
(aka god for the unknowing majority)
IS the Divine savior they've been waiting for.