It's 3/11 — 11.3. Let's hope it's the first marker. I can feel inside of me that I am getting ill dealing with legal cases. The cumulative effect of war trauma on me, combined with the stress of being "out there" doing yet more in public, plus having made an administrative error because I am beyond my anxiety tolerance level, is making me physically sick. We anons have carried this for a very long time, and there comes a point when the masses have to wake up and share the burden of knowing. That Covid was (attempted) genocide needs to become common knowledge. I only want to be free from this hellish nightmare of engaging with a failed and corrupt system. Flip the switch, pull the plug, press reset. Whatever it is that halts everything in society and makes everyone pay attention, now is the time. I am not built for confrontational games with machiavellian types — am an "unusually advanced simpleton" at heart. Want to do my art and be left alone. Enough is enough.
Take a break, for your physical and mental health.
Do you have friends in the country, or seaside, a few days just being away from it all? Turn the phone off, do not watch tv.
Do you have facility to garden - even a window box, or tub by the front door?
I was hearing over the weekend that the banking system could be imploding over the next short time, due to the debt scaffold it has been leaning on being withdrawn... I am hoping this is the beginning of the end for the evil that is in power... and the Grand Awakening of the huddled masses...
We can only fervently hope so.