Always looking to be a blessing ;)
It turns out pets also have last wishes before they pass.
The specialist replied without hesitation that the most difficult thing for him was to see old or sick animals searching for their owners before they fell asleep. 90% of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying pet. People walk to avoid seeing their animals pass, but they don't realize that in these last moments of life, their pet needs them the most.
Don't forget that you were the center of her life. Maybe they were just a part of yours, but they are also your family. Even if it's difficult, don't leave her.
It is very painful for veterinarians to see pets failing to find their owners in the last minutes of their lives. They don't understand why their person left them. Veterinarians do everything so that the animals are not so afraid, but they are completely alien to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think of the animal. Bear this pain for her sake. Be with them to the end.❤️
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
When it became evident our last dog needed to be put to eternal sleep due to an advancing oral melanoma, we chose to sit with him under a tree outside holding our 90 pound Labrador in our laps as our dear vet administered the medication. We prayed over him, petting him as he died. It is not only good to be with your pet, but the memories, though heartbreaking, are also tender. 💔
Always looking to be a blessing ;)
I rocked my 21 yr. old girl for 2 full days before taking her to the vet...I don't think I've ever cried and prayed that hard......I held her while the vet gave her the shot. I love that dog....I believe she was an Angel dog..... Great memories!
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Oh, I know how you feel. I truly believe our dogs are angels, and that is why their name DOG is a mirror ( reflection) of GOD. Dogs are a sweet blessing. 😇