There are so many beautiful loving people here on Anonup. Gab has the anger of its founder, for better and worse — "first steps are fateful". Telegram is "socially unbalanced" due to its channel architecture (which is not a problem, just different tools for different jobs), so it's not very WWG1WGA in its core. I long for a day when we can "Bring Your Own Identity" to these services and own our own social graph and interaction history. Our free speech and societal participation rights should never be subservient to the relatively trivial technology of a pub/sub message routing engine.
Denver Digital Soldier, Believe in the Promise of Q. Twitter Refugee, Independent Thinker & Anon. Patriot. Family is Everything.
A return to Twatter is necessary for us to finish this job. If Patriots are in control- it shall happen. 🙏
On Q the first night ,, JFKjr is very much alive ,, but you all here know that ,,, Committed to a world WITHOUT THE CABAL ,,,
I just dont know about that , after getting back on for a while , I just got booted permanently off X ,,, given no reason why , was having the best time chatting with a woman and we were going to do a JFKjr is alive Q party ,,, and then bam .... ugh
Recently? That sucks!!!!