In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication

Anons know about
Comet Ping Pong’s image of
Hillary and Huma
laid out on the
ping pong table.

There was a kill room.

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Why is this allowed to be posted here?

In response Happy Days to his Publication

Happy, The TRUTH will set you free.

It makes me cry when I see it...that just keeps me fresh and alert FIGHTING against what God abhors.

It is vital to stay alert..not fall back to sleep because it's hard....
They don't care who the harm/ could have been you me or your family!

This wickedness is pure darkness...I often think God it could have been anyone of us...

Let me fight this fight .... UPHOLDING WHAT IS GOOD AND RIGHT!


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
Edmond Burke

Without Patriots of past who fought this evil..we would not have had the blessings of this country.

"Nothing is new under the sun."
They have been getting away with murder and so much more evil.

Hold fast to what you know is good true and right...

We’ve been silent too long. I get the not wanting this revealed here but we have new eyes everyday and we can no longer look the other way. The only way this ends is global consciousness. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Although it is heartbreaking and hard to see…imagine what the children had to go thru. We fight this TOGETHER. Pray this stops now and forever. God is the way🙏❤️🙏

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @JDuprayforhumanity in this post can reply

In response Janet DuPre to her Publication

Thank you Janet and Casey.
My love for photography was
destroyed by this truth
four years ago.
I would watch the soldiers on
GEORGE News trying their best to
hold it together,
during the rescue mission in
Central Park…..
God called on all of us
to do our part collectively.
Is it right
to have a
SRA young lady’s voice
not be heard….
The true evil is exposed.
This is
Heather O’Rouke.
A victim of
Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Please observe the
Blue and White Symbolism.

Epstein Island Temple,
Mother Theresa……
all caught trafficking children and
more than likely

We are exposing an
Ancient Babylonian Cult.

The Red Shoe Club👇

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication
In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication
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In response Janet DuPre to her Publication

Yet "friends" or at least I thought they were, say
"I won't go there,"
...and put it out of their mind....


Even now my eyes know A (1000s) PRECIOUS LIFE was lost because of these SELFISH GROSS GOONES ... that is what is DEPLORABLE!


Hummm...Hillary said "Deplorables" CORRECT...SHE IS ABSOLUTELY DEPLORABLE....evil confesses how evil it is...yet blames innocent = PROJECTION.

God is everything, literally. Blessed, married, mom x2, ❤️USA, Trump, military, patriots ,MAGA. 🤬 pedos commies & traitors of ALL stripes

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

I so get you Casey. The thought of any child suffering a fate such as this tears me apart. I just can’t look away and ignore what has been happening. Frankly I don’t know how anyone can. I may have lost friends but the truth is I’ve lost respect for their lack of humanity. I get plenty of eye rolls from family too. It’s definitely caused me to withdraw from relationships.

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