DT regaining POTUS-POSITION is a forgone conclusion ATP.
Donald Trump’s trial declassifies all material needed for his defense.
JB’s “mock” presidency unravels because election fraud is a major piece of evidence.
Letting “the fix” occur exposed all corrupt players in the act.
Now post 2020 presidencies will be safeguarded and it was done without looking like a coup.
The Presidential Transition Act of 1963 assures DT retains control of the military & General Service’s Admin until 60 days after the inauguration of a new President.
You’re witnessing “The Plan” in motion ⤵️

Q from the 1st drop! JohnFKennnedy JR followed me on Twitter, @RealDonaldTrump=RealPresidentof USA‼️🇺🇸PRINCE 4 Eva💋☔️☔️☔️🏎🏎💟☮️💜
Magnificent compilation, I really needed a Q refresh, look like we R going to have a 2 year Delta on our hands🎯🎯🎯♥️👍WWG1WGA

“Rerum Cognoscere Causa” #IYKYK #MAGA TS: @Poppyslovecapu & X: @GIJoey888 join me TRUMPET OUTLOUD🎺

Discernment is critical.

Discernment is critical.

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
donald trump does not hold power over the military. only one person has that control, and he is the true commander and chief .

I hope you are right, but what does ATP mean? It's driving me nuts.

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
At This Point.

Father, Christian, Patriot. Digital Soldier, #MAGA #45 #WWG1WGA #StayTheCourse #QFromTheBeginningAndPrior #JFKCourseCorrection
Great stitch together

Thank you for putting this together for us.

Patriots, please use logic and common sense. Understand what you read. The Presdidential Transition Act DOES NOT give the "Former" President control of the military for 60 days post election. Remeber: WE ARE THE PROPONENTS OF LAW AND ORDER. We canot make up propositions becuase we WANT to see them there. However, the EO's Put into effect by POTUS and the Stafford Act are all that we need. Again: The Presidential Transition Act DOES NOT GIVE TRUMP AUTHORITY OVER THE MILITARY 60 DAYS POST ELECTION.

Southern Blonde, All American🇺🇸,Conservative,Christian ❤️🤍💙 ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, Ethical Hacker. Anti Vax. ANTI MASK
im pretty smart, I have a masters in cyber security and IT, but I must be missing something in this maybe becuase Im blonde... can you explain a little more, im sorry im ignorant in this, dont tar and feather me please.

Discernment is critical.
Lets resolve to publish the EO's and the Stafford Act to help people like me understand it's validity ... I've looked up doc.s but do not find the basis for a clear understanding. I DO KNOW - JB is Not in the WH, as I've been monitoring it (WH webcam) since December. No snipers on the roof top, handful of foot soldiers on the grounds and no lights inside. That I do know.

dont forget the pedophilia piece. YUGE!! the glue that holds thr cabal together. i could never reconcile the absolute rage of folks like DiNiro amd Carrey....now i get it!!

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
"Those who scream the loudest, have the most to lose..."