Avid reader and author! Patriot & MAGA. Truth seeker who is about all about exposing the lies! Trump best president ever!
So sorry for him. Now Nana will be crying for a while. I still have my son's last phone message to me, I can not imagine what this man is feeling right now.
Proud military wife, mom and grand mother. Family first always, unapologetic patriot. DJT is my only POTUS GAB social: Gigi1217
Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
It is such an honor to have military men and women that are this brave and protective of people they don't even know like this man's son.
We should all support the families of fallen soldiers imho especially those that have surviving spouses and children .
If not for them we would not be here able to bitch about things we dont agree with at all.