Donald Trump "The Most Honest President in US History"

"If Trump is not the next President of America...You can Kiss America Good-bye...Christians will be trampled underfoot, because the next Superpower will Persecute the Christians....I'm telling you It's not about Trump, it's about the Lord"

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel...God Bless You & President Trump🙏

Only people mentioned by @MagaMutt in this post can reply

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication


US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Islam does not tolerate any other worship but their own - the Holy Mount is solely now a muslim place of worship... it used to be Jews, Christians and Muslims worshipped there... not now, not since islam took over.

Islam the pedo, slave trading, woman hating, war cult will become the Wests sanctioned, and only form of war ship... a world living in the 7th century.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

I wish these beings who wish to be haters of All
humanity, expect the person they see in the mirror
You have been tricked!
If you do not have any love in your heart for humanity, Islam is for you!
They don't love All humans. The Quran says they are supposed to love their neighbor.
People only believe what they want to believe. The Quran is read yearly during Ramadan.
Evidently something is wrong when one reads a book each year from front to back and still has NO love in their heart. GOOD LUCK

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In response Carole Parnell to her Publication
