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Hi..This is more verification on
As people, as sovereign individuals, we did not enter into and sign a contract with big pharmaceutical companies.
Our governments did.
We did not sign, we are not liable, we have no contractual obligation, we won’t be lied to, we won’t be controlled, we will not comply.
The truth will set us free.
JFK Jr. Private

I look forward to a future where I can learn the truths of the past.
Me. I had my own gas and electric meters installed. Did write to do the 'honourable' thing and advise I was changing supplier (they actually only supply the meters anyway), gave them the last meter readings and requested a final bill. They had a hissy fit because the 'new supplier' had not advised them and refused to send the final bill. I wrote 3 times, stating if they didn't send a bill then the account would be classed as closed with no further payment. I've had a few people round, they've tried send meter readers round but I refuse entry because I am not contracted with them (anymore).


Oil regenerates itself. We can’t use all of the oil it is abundant because our creator knew what he was doing.


"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
The Best is Yet To Come! IYKYK

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Called fossil fuel to make it sound scarce. Actually could be nearly as abundant as water


It is, its regenerative. We take a spoonful it creates a spoonful. We can’t run out of it. I want our food back to when it wasn’t called organic it was just called food. They put chemicals in our food and then tell us organic is better for us. Then why the F isn’t it all organic like it was when I was a child. This angers me so much.

Is this a reason to “watch the water”?
Bubbling gold? Texas tea….?