My two oldest sons both jabbed by the -#Navy
Pissed is a understatement Robert

Mama, Wifey, Duo Business Owner and God -loving kinda Gal. Don't follow me, I'm just like you!
My daughter Marine in bootcamp. We detoxed her asap. Dont know what freakin damage was done

Hi Laura…..One of the ingredients is parasites.
Depending on how many your
daughter had to accept…..
Let’s begin with a six week parasite cleanse
once she is in
Advanced Individual Training.
You can send it to her in a
care package.
Ivermectin is available thankfully.
Please know it is
Our Amazing Military will be
a part of
Med Bed Technology.
This video will explain
what happens to the body
after the booster.
Lots of prayers for your daughter,
may she become
An Amazing Soldier.
Please research ESSIAC TEA.

Hello David…..as a veteran who has been
forced to vaccinate active duty,
that was a different time and it
surely was FDA approved,
not experimental.
The military paid for my pharmacology
education and that was my job overseas.
Graphene Oxide,
Aborted Fetal Tissue and
Parasites were in these vaccines.
My first strong recommendation is the
cleanse to organs and body of parasites.
Ivermectin is excellent.
Detox the body with
The core cause of cancer is parasitic and
can be treated with oxygen therapy.
Detoxing the body from
free radicals is imperative now.
Go to a high end tanning bed with
Ultraviolet Light.
There were over 5000 veterans that have
AIDS from the 2021-22
DOD study.
Veterans were given Moderna.
I would love to know what was
administered to active duty soldiers.
Our government in 2015 made a secret deal with
Moderna to profit from the sales.
EAU was not FDA approved.
The first doctor in Malaysia was executed under
Nuremberg Code a few weeks ago.

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
Amen . It’s in God’s hands .#JUDGEMENT