"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
My now deceased wife was exceptionally endowed by our creator with intelligence and physical stature, grace and beauty .. plus a heart of gold for those less fortunately endowed. She always made a point of engaging by name (via name tags) those in mundane service/labor jobs (check out cashiers, grocery baggers, warehouse personnel etc .. all jobs she had mostly held in her life) always finding something to compliment them on and looking for opportunities to raise up Jesus.
She would often bring home homeless people or street prostitutes to feed, opportunity to bath, and wash their clothes.
It was she who introduced me to Jesus at age 56 which didn't really have time to blossom into the relationship I enjoy today before she passed. I so look forward to seeing her again so I can properly thank her for such an extraordinary example and gift.

Prayers for you and your beautiful wife.
thank you very much