All planned prior to the purchase of the paint

You take something that is fabricated, and just continue to fabricate more bullshit on top of it. How do you think that's helping us, or anyone?
This behavior is not helping to get out the truth.

God, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #familyiseverything
You are welcome to your opinion not mine. Is it dark in there? The lazers do not penetrate the blue. This demonstrates one of the reasons for the extent of the killing fields and the melted vehicles next to untouched trees shows the another. No doubt unkept power system left on and water turned off in addition to high winds is another. Roads closed by police, schools closed and no alarms sounded added to as well.
Why is all local assistance stopped? Why were domain laws just changed prior to this event. How was a book released within a day? Why no media except controlled information released. Where are the thousands missing?
Answer these and more since you have the "truth" and no one else should point out the blaring anomalies'.