I wonder how anons have performed as a collective versus the range of outcomes modelled or hoped for?
Lover of the Nature Spirits and Natural Law. No Masters. No Slaves. FREEDOM #NewEarth
I just reposted this this morning too - current vibes. Had to search for it.
Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
i need to know, and maybe someone knows VK to ask him, if what he's talking about is something like the ephod with the umim and thurmin.
the ephod was an apron worn by OT Hebrew preists, and it had a breastplate of stones: the umim and thurmin. And the stones were somehow used to make decisions, or get direction from God.
VK seems to know the Bible very well.
I did a search for Ephod.
I still don't know why it was mentioned or its significance for now. Isn't it just the way, answer one question to get a few more questions!
What Is an Ephod - Purpose and Meaning in the Bible
We know the ephod was a tool of ceremony—a special, ornate, handcrafted item with great significance. Much effort went into the making of the ephod, and it was crafted from finery. It carried much symbolic weight.
In the articles about the Ephod, Urum and Thummin, the bottom line: "(John 14:6). Jesus removed the barrier between us and God. "
The barrier was the Ephod, Urim and Thummin which supposedly helped a person to learn what God wanted.