Being an “autist” type is a rather alienating experience: — I see endless social media posts of other men doing their manly things. I really am not into greasy mechanical stuff, building things from wood or metal, or doing anything at all to impress women. I just organise information. Am quite good at it. It’s my thing. Eventually you make peace with being different. Stop comparing yourself. Enjoy your gift, while they enjoy theirs.
The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved The World) - martingeddes
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”― George Orwell I have had some interesting conversations in the last few weeks that explain why I am getting overloaded and struggling to take on tasks I would in the past have found unpr.. ability to share your thoughts through your writing is off the charts. I enjoy it thoroughly.