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In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

They will just cut it out

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

Just like “Identity theft” & many more, they are the ones stealing your identity so people buy Identity theft insurance…..they make money on both.

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

My concern is that, even without chips, 'they' can track most people and children.
Obama made it possible through Obamacare
Facebook and other social media
Cirie, Alexa and other 'helpful' aps can listen to everything said in your home and there are companies who excel at 'marketing' that are able to watch emails and even post ads for things you were looking for online -without you asking for them!
Read Chatter, by Patrick O Keefe,
Look up Echelon
"an eavesdropping network led by the US that spanned the planet. The system, Echelon, allowed America and its allies to intercept the private phone calls and e-mails of civilians and governments around the world."
I read Chatter and I think I recall this began in the 1950s

Counting my Blessings, Love to all the Patriots and followers of the Truth. May we all be the best we can be everyday. ♥️

In response Every Time to her Publication

Sorry to say, but true. How nice of them to allow us to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for cell phones and pay a monthly bill too. Tracked all at our expense. I suppose they laughed all the way to the bank again. 😖

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In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

If you want to microchip your child, go get a chip from your vet, give it a dog name and put it in a ring or bracelet that they can wear.

In response George The Patriot to his Publication

No need to go to the vet, you can order them on Amazon among other places.

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In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

Board of Directors Tim Ballard 😏

Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor

In response chore Toke to her Publication

they messed up - this whole idea is going to backfire bigly imho - already is - since the covid hoax people are waking up

In response chore Toke to her Publication

One evil bunch and Tim serves on the Board of Directors.

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🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

HUGE Nope.. I didn't even let them chip my doggie and they pushed and pushed saying "If he is lost they can return him"
I said he won't be leaving my sight so NO THANK YOU!💥

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

They have been using it for "persons of interest" for a long time, of course without the consent of those concerned.

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

That quote was from 12 years ago (!), if I am not mistaken.

BUT JUST THINK: How much have we ALL learned SINCE those days?? Think how the chipping was first introduced by MSM! One of the 'benefits' was to help keep their children from being disappeared forever! And yes, NOW we know this could be proof text example from one of a Alinsky theorems: create a problem, insert the recommended solution and then hype it!

Why does it work? it is because People don't like an open ended crisis, as it creates a 'fear of the unknown and the unresolved!'

In my heart I cannot truly accept that Tim B, is part of the 'big machine of evil!' At least that is what I am praying and believing for now....

In response Alexis Hightower to her Publication

They know how to remove the chip. They cut them out and toss them on TV show Blacklist. Or shut them off if you have access.

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"Just" a Housewife Sorry i don't answer DMs

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

EVERYONE! Click on this link for more understanding of the psychological pressure the LEFT is using to distract from the purpose and meaning of the SOUND OF FREEDOM project!

I have been speaking out about the accusation of chipping children being ascribed to Tim Ballard, but this clip has him speaking his heart about his absolute disavowing of the practice and why he KNOWS why it is being spread.

Pray for Tim, Jim C., and others associated with the SOF movie, as they are certainly under attack by "you know who!" (Yes, the evil one and his favorite minions! in case there was any doubt!)

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Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Precious Child of the Most High, still a little Ferrell

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

And the masons have been making a big push for it for years

"Just" a Housewife Sorry i don't answer DMs

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

i saw a tik tok vid where Tim Ballard said that wasn't him in the other video saying that, implying it was voiced over or Deep Faked or something.
He said he never talked about micro-chipping kids and that he is against it.

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

I shared that video. He said it wasn’t him.

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In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

That’s what I’ve been saying ❗️Along 🤨specially when this guy Tim Ballard said that we should start chipping children ❗️🤨🤔Chip the Pedophiles❗️😏

"Just" a Housewife Sorry i don't answer DMs

In response chore Toke to her Publication

Tim put out a video saying he never said that and is opposed to microchipping

Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Precious Child of the Most High, still a little Ferrell

In response chore Toke to her Publication

Pedo chips ready to insert. I'll even let you chose the size and color but they are mandatory for pedophiles

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In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

no, pedophiles should be killed on sight

In response Lizzy MJax to her Publication

They are should chip all the pedophiles then they can keep an eye on them at all times.

Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.

In response James Dean to his Publication

If you think about it. You will see that would backfire onto us just like everything else that was supposed to be for our benefit. They would accomplish their goals with the next generation being born. Once the public accepts being chipped at birth. Sorry, No, HELL no! End that shit, period. Too damn much to lose in the end, and not just our children. I totally see the draw but please think it through. You let them in the door you lose the whole house. Hegelian dialectic.
If they get you feeling strongly enough you quit thinking enough. Don't let them get their feet in the door!

In response James Dean to his Publication

No deals for those who have hurt children! Total removal only.

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