Let’s put this out in public here on AU for the record. My Jewish ex-boyfriend is the son of WW2 Nazi camp survivors, and a refugee to UK from the Soviet invasion of CZ in 1968. Was/is close to my kids.
I objected to my daughter’s school pushing gene jabs, no liability, denied my parental authority, refused to answer simple questions about insurance. I wanted my kid out of danger. Rest of family plus ex connived to keep her in the path of genocide and make me watch.
His actions since have been to try to hijack my kids as he lacks own family. Accommodates them against my will. Teaches them to abide by lies and disrespect their father. This is spiritual abuse.
He justified it based on not believing in evil, being a coward, and disagreeing with my politics. Had read my book, knew it was tyranny. Abused his money to challenge my role as father, broke his word. Then complains I am the one acting badly.
He betrayed his legacy and me. I am leaving it for higher powers to resolve.
We can’t change what happens, but we CAN change how we respond to the events/transgressions.
An “upset” is an expectation that was not met.
Many “upsets” are not based on a reasonable expectation. But, many are, and those hurt more.
Regardless, the identification of the expectation that was not met (that was/is driving the upset), helps pull it out of the emotional and into the analytical/perspective side. That allows a bit of detachment which enables you to respond differently (better for you).
People will always let us down (to some degree), because they’re...people. We don’t have control on that, but can control our response. In doing so...a better outcome often emerges! ❤️