I never "black pilled" anyone, ignored the trolls, and only offerered encouragement to Patriots. Proud of that. My friends and family have no idea what I have gone through, nor the emotional battering I have taken. It has required endlessly finding more inner resources to keep fighting when you thought you were all spent.
There are many people I have only known via a pseudonym and an avatar icon, but I feel are brothers and sisters in arms. I wish we could squeeze hands and hug sometimes. There is so much love among anons and Patriots. Someday the world will know what we fought for and wh
The most sincere bonds between people are forged by shared worldview and having fundamental values in common. Not by "class", race, sex, profession, hobby, etc.
Patriots believe in freedom and true justice. They believe that government is instituted to serve the citizens of that country.
If you are a Christian, we also have in common that we are fellow brothers and sisters united with Christ.