I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
I couldn’t help but think of you.
Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
clinton assassination team playbook
EXACTLY what i first thought of too!
This 8 part post about the Clinton Suicide squad is mind blowing AF!
USCG VET on AnonUp.com
9 Out Of 12 People Who Saw Anthony Weiner's Laptop Are Dead There were a total of 12 individuals who saw Anthony Weiner’s Laptop computer, 9 of those 12 people are dead now.