Reformed Christian wife, mother and friend. USA Patriot, Pro-Life, Pro 2A, Live Free or Die! Flat Earther
Great documentary- everyone should see it in its entirety - very well done, highly recommended

Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
So, yesterday, I stood in line at UPS store. Couple in front of me both had masks on (no one else did; doesn’t seem to make them think about that). Go out and to coffee shop; mother with her ~ 12 yr old son (masked, she is not). I just looked at them with that look of WTF? Same thing, he is only one masked. You can’t say anything because they’ll freak out at you (had it happen over and over already).
Time for some guerrilla marketing. 😏

Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
Well done. Everyone, everywhere needs to see this. As people go about their lives in the matrix, they have already forgotten what happened. Good reminder that could jolt them into awakening.

The Great Awakening, Trump ... and Q - Photographer, Writer ... Motorcycles! Virgin Mary, Parsifal Jinpa movie, wwg1wgaworldwide ... no DM
We are not alone ...

Shook me to my core!

Really great!!

💥🔥Hey Kim !!...how are you?...always good to see you 😄