The enemy’s operating model requires total secrecy. Total secrecy implies total information control. They owned the mass media. They rigged social media. It all seemed assured.
Anons used force of numbers, diversity of message, and quality of insight to break the information control. This meant their plan was no longer secret. The public had the seed of doubt planted in the official narrative; facts and morals were contested. The minions became aware of being abused.
While the professional military did the heavy lifting, I refuse to believe that the contribution of anons to final victory was merely decorative. We really did stay retarded longer than they could stay sane. Someday the real impact of our work on the enemy will become official.
The real pain and trauma of fighting psychological war will be saluted on its own merits. The professional military might blow things up, but it was the anons who held things together.
"A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the vast majority of communications is only defeated by………."
The 10 dots that follow that phrase are actually 3 Ellipsis and a period. The term "ellipsis" refers to a series of dots that indicate an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.
I believe in this post that those missing words are something like "subverting their communications" completing the sentence with the period at the end to;
"A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the vast majority of communications is only defeated by subverting their communications."
I believe that could only be accomplished with anons. They could not have done that without us.