To be honest, people are so yearning for love, actually any type of love... Handshake, a smile, a kind word and even a hug. Who said small things dont matter? We are here to serve.... Do your part slowly but surely you will see the change around you and what ever you were yearning for will come back ten fold.

I Love Truth. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the Truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jn 14:6
"Have courage and be kind."

Canadian patriot who raises miniature dairy goats. Card Reader, Empath, Intuitive. WWG1WGA. @Metaphysfarmer on twit/×
I believe in complimenting people. Man smelling good? I let him know. Absolutely beautiful woman walks by (I'm a completely straight female), I let them know they look gorgeous today. Teens being kind? I make sure they know how valued and valuable that is. Elderly person or busy parent need help putting groceries in their vehicle? I offer. Last year this lady was packing a baby on the front, a toddler on the back, twins in the cart and what was probably a 7 year old following her. She had heavy things in her cart and I had just sat down in the truck to leave. As soon as I saw her I popped out and and said hey! Can I help? "No, no I'm fine thank you. I'm fine." Okay I said and as I turned to get in she goes: "no! Wait! I'm not. I'm not fine and I could really use the help." So off I go. I've been there with TWO kids let alone 5. She loaded the kids and I loaded her stuff into the back of her SUV. She was bawling.
You never know how much ONE SMALL thing can help someone.

Twit contact ELM 23 @inittogether23 In a happy relationship with my handsome #save the children #freejulianassange #Trump2023
I make it a point to directly look at people and smile. I have also been killing with kindness the guard at the guard shack on base when i pick up my boyfriend. He has always be a dufus to me...i got a smile out of him yesterday. Only took 2 years 😂💜

Jesus Christ is the Way Truth Life #FamilyIsEverything #MAGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE
💕🙏🏻yes, please don't under estimate the benefits of a small gesture🤗I may look a stranger in the eyes and smile instead of a handshake though, for my personal safety

Canadian patriot who raises miniature dairy goats. Card Reader, Empath, Intuitive. WWG1WGA. @Metaphysfarmer on twit/×
I believe this safety thing is largely due to programming. Humans, I think, without the toxins and the constant stress, brainwashing and bombardment are generally NOT aggressive. While I'm sure there has always been the odd one (you can see it in livestock sometimes, or predator species), by and large I think rape,robberies, abuse, attacks, etc., are consequences of the system rather than human nature. And where we now have people watching men get stabbed to death in front of their kid (like happened in BC, Canada recently) with their cell phones out, not stopping eating as a guy bleeds out in front of them, we USED to have people leaping over fences to beat the crap out of the attacker and render them useless, so they could then help the victim.

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
If they matter that much, they are not small!!!!!!! We've been lied to about them being something small!!!!

Yes! Make eye contact with everyone you are in contact with, and give them a big, heartfelt smile. People are really craving someone to SEE them. 💕💕

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
THIS IS so much more important than you think.
Love is the keystone to this whole thing!

Wonderful thoughts 👍😀

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
I need to remember this. I have been very unkind lately to people who come to my door despite my no soliciting sign. I really felt bad afterwards. I need to work on not being so quick to react, and not always expect people to be bad right from the get go!

Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior
Straight truth! 💖 Help me Lord.

One of the favorite parts of my job, is telling folks to have a good day, and I mean it.
Made that typo jos, then said, HMMMM< maybe I should look at that, the jos computer program is what I felt compelled to search. LOOKY HERE>

LOVE IS THE PEACE AND HARMONY TO ALL THINGS..........A New Age and A New World is Dawning💚🌟💚...... FamILY is Everyth1ng...1111

💞 KIND ! 🌟 Yes. People just need a little 'love fuel' which goes a Looooonnng way !! thank you for this lovely reminder. Have a joyful day 💓