😻 I'm posting this GIF even though
I CANNOT VERIFY the information.
That said, it is what I've BELIEVED for 18 years.

I read NESARA in 2005. I knew it was The Divine Plan.
I've never for one second lost my FAITH.

I've watched QTeam IMPLEMENT NESARA / GESARA every day
since President Trump was Elected in 2016.

Most Anons know N/G was meant to be implemented on 9-11.

N/G is so much MORE than finances but that is a piece of it.

I learned 10 years ago that Wells Fargo
was one of the RV / GCR banks because it,
along with HSBC, is owned by the Chinese Elders.

I haven't heard otherwise.

QTeam are collapsing the bloodline banks
& removing the deep state demon financial
debt-slavery stranglehold on Humanity.

WHEN the switch is flipped to the QFS for all
I do not know. FAITH 🕊

QTeam, Q+, BRICS & the Global White Hat Alliance
are bringing N/G in 🙏🏻


In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I have seen it reported on numerous channels, that Clinton signed off on Nesara, under force by the military...

In response Spookmeister to her Publication

👇 ICYMI, Spookmeister, enclose the below.
I'd heard that too.
That Clinton signed NESARA at gunpoint.

I only recently learned that many Patriots
think John McAfee is Mr Pool. I love that 😹

🇺🇸 Ghost Ezra
"Many that you think are alive are dead,
and many you think that are dead are alive.
I will never change this statement or erase it.
It will remain here until the reveal.
Screenshot it,
bookmark it,
take a picture,
write it on your refrigerator door.
Don't forget it." 💥


Clif High has been calling nesara gesara a hoax and socialism that will never happen. Is he revealed as a shill?

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Anuenue in this post can reply

Abraham Lincoln: Let the People Know the TRUTH and the Country is Safe. Love me some MAGA ENERGY!!! 🇱🇷❤️🇺🇸 IFBAP 🇱🇷❤️🇱🇷

In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

Have never listened to him. i have full faith in N/G and would avoid anyone who says otherwise. That's just me.

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response Evangelina to her Publication

I agree. My friends listen to him so wanted to see if anyone else does. I’m not a fan.

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Banned from Twitter on the same day as President Donald J. Trump...A Conspiracy Enthusiast...WWG1WGA Q 17 Trump 19 God bless America! NCSWIC

In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

If Bill Clinton's clone signed NESARA 22 years ago at gunpoint what the hell happened to our Jubilee? Someone put the Kabash on that over dramatic signing climax to a nothing burger! LOL

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

Seems so.

Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

Clone? Not in the year he signed that.

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In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

I enjoy listening to clif high. He has such interesting topics and forces me to research new fields of study.
However I hope he is wrong about xrp as he states it will never be adopted as a universal token. Maybe everyone isn't necessarily correct about everything all the time?

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response Desert Dog to his Publication

That’s certainly true. I have listened to him a bit because my friends asked me to, but his attitude is off putting, especially when he categorically says certain things won’t happen that we expect to happen. Must wait and see who is correct on each thing.

In response Desert Dog to his Publication

I hope he is right about us having floaty RV's in the future.

Whether he's right or wrong about any one topic; he is a free thinker and valuable because of it. I don't think he's a paid disinformation shill. Just a weird, intelligent guy who has found an audience because our world has become as weird as he is.

For every crooked pot there is a crooked lid.

For physics; I think Ken Wheeler is more likely to be correct than Cliff.

Sometimes the comments section in his substack has some gems from the audience. There are some seriously smart anons out there that no one has heard of.

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Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA

In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

What does your gut say?
Trust YOUR GPS....

*God Positioning System


💖We are all God’s children.💖

Shill in the making.

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At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!

In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

Yes, he has been doing that. On some points, he may be a shill; on others, he does put forth real information and I am slowly catching on to what is true or not, and/or what is just him opinion regarding the veracity of what he says. Is Nes/Ges real? Yes. Is it some sort of socialism? No. (contd)

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!

In response Silver Cat to his Publication

We have to remember he is dealing with language used by those on social media. Many are still asleep and many accounts are bots. He needs to keep that in mind.

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In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

I don't know who that is.

But as with everything,
there was an original Divine NESARA
& then the deep state copied it
for their own nefarious purposes.

Just like there are 2 financial resets:
QTeam's and the demons.

The deep state NESARA was a fraud.
God's NESARA is real.

Naturally, the deep state
would want you to believe NESARA is a hoax.

It isn't.

If you know what it is
you can see that QTeam are implementing it
right now 🙏🏻😻

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I agree Kat. Clif High is an influencer, older guy has a channel and a substack, very popular, and sounds authoritative. He studies what has been said and posted online, a kind of linguistic analysis of what people have been posting. No one really knows his methodology, but that’s how he can impress. I’m not a fan but when he uses authority to dismiss nesara I speak up.

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