😻 I'm posting this GIF even though
I CANNOT VERIFY the information.
That said, it is what I've BELIEVED for 18 years.
I read NESARA in 2005. I knew it was The Divine Plan.
I've never for one second lost my FAITH.
I've watched QTeam IMPLEMENT NESARA / GESARA every day
since President Trump was Elected in 2016.
Most Anons know N/G was meant to be implemented on 9-11.
N/G is so much MORE than finances but that is a piece of it.
I learned 10 years ago that Wells Fargo
was one of the RV / GCR banks because it,
along with HSBC, is owned by the Chinese Elders.
I haven't heard otherwise.
QTeam are collapsing the bloodline banks
& removing the deep state demon financial
debt-slavery stranglehold on Humanity.
WHEN the switch is flipped to the QFS for all
I do not know. FAITH 🕊
QTeam, Q+, BRICS & the Global White Hat Alliance
are bringing N/G in 🙏🏻

I have seen it reported on numerous channels, that Clinton signed off on Nesara, under force by the military...

👇 ICYMI, Spookmeister, enclose the below.
I'd heard that too.
That Clinton signed NESARA at gunpoint.
I only recently learned that many Patriots
think John McAfee is Mr Pool. I love that 😹
🇺🇸 Ghost Ezra
"Many that you think are alive are dead,
and many you think that are dead are alive.
I will never change this statement or erase it.
It will remain here until the reveal.
Screenshot it,
bookmark it,
take a picture,
write it on your refrigerator door.
Don't forget it." 💥

Clif High has been calling nesara gesara a hoax and socialism that will never happen. Is he revealed as a shill?
I don't know who that is.
But as with everything,
there was an original Divine NESARA
& then the deep state copied it
for their own nefarious purposes.
Just like there are 2 financial resets:
QTeam's and the demons.
The deep state NESARA was a fraud.
God's NESARA is real.
Naturally, the deep state
would want you to believe NESARA is a hoax.
It isn't.
If you know what it is
you can see that QTeam are implementing it
right now 🙏🏻😻

I agree Kat. Clif High is an influencer, older guy has a channel and a substack, very popular, and sounds authoritative. He studies what has been said and posted online, a kind of linguistic analysis of what people have been posting. No one really knows his methodology, but that’s how he can impress. I’m not a fan but when he uses authority to dismiss nesara I speak up.

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
I agree with you. I rather like him in his videos, but I do not always agree with what he says. In his dealings with language, he may forget sometimes, that many on the social media are bots.