@qthestormrider777 has written a massive cabal history.
Will post all but begin with the Rockefeller COLLAPSE.

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
The first business emissary to China was GHWBush.
When he returns from China he becomes Director of CIA.
Who else is leading the attack to get China into our camp?
Henry Kissinger / Council of Foreign Relations
a Rockefeller operation.
All these agencies are run by disciples of the Rockefeller mentality.
David Rockefeller does this famous speech near the end of his life,
"The world needs to be run globally”
GHWB 11 years before 9-11 on 9-11-90 does his speech
"Out of these troubled times A NEW WORLD ORDER can emerge.”
All the enemies of President Trump
are almost universally from this Rockefeller camp.
Bill Clinton is a hidden Rockefeller. His Dad is Winthrop.
Who set up banking in China?
Rockefeller people: Kissinger & GHWBush.

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

This is chock full of information that I did not know. The end part about the live confession of David Rockefeller that he committed treason against the United States of America (of course Corporation) and stating that he was proud of it. Why was he not investigated, arrested and indicted for treason? So it's okay to state that you are "working against the interest of the United States? Seems like the DOJ FBI US Marshalls have been turning a blind eye to the elites for a very long time. And like Barry Soetero with multiple aliases, these elites just keep doing whatever they want - not even a slap on the hand. In my real world, I have witnessed people going to prison for DUI charges. Of course, many of those people have no money with which to bribe the courts.

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

It actually wasn't a "confession"
of David Rockefeller's it was a BOAST
to his fellow cabalists
that he was a One World Order guy.

But David Rockefeller is dead.
Evelyn Rothschild is dead.
The Roths / Rock cabal banks are bankrupt.
The Fed is bankrupt.
B of A & Wells Fargo are bankrupt.
Their NWO is dead.
Their digital currency is dead.
Their Ukraine war is a massive defeat.
EVERYTHING about the Roths/Rocks
is dead.

Just a matter of making it official to the world
but that happy news is coming
when QTeam deems it so 💥

"Hidden" Rockefellers:
John Podesta, his son Chester Bennington.
Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres,
Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Clinton... it's a longer list.

Also keep in mind, Brandy,
that the Royals, Rockefellers & Rothschilds
are by no means the most powerful bloodlines
or the richest.
They're just the most visible.
They're actually MINIONS of the ones
REALLY pulling the strings.

We haven't seen THEM yet 💥

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Black Pope, Grey Pope, Order of Demolay?

In response Every Time to her Publication

I have NO IDEA who is what?

As I understand it,
the 3 Popes are gone
along with the heads of the bloodline families
+ 350 Cardinals
+ a whole bunch of Vatican thugs
+ a whole bunch of royals, Rocks & Roths
& ALL their assets seized
along with ALL the gold, silver, diamonds, etc.
in the D.U.M.B.S.

But until QTeam reveals the TRUTH
I'm just best guessing
& listening closely
to Q The Storm Rider, Juan O Savin, Gene Decode
& a few others 😉🙏🏻❤️

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I remembered this, but have no idea about it, except to say, 'possibly interesting.'

In response Every Time to her Publication

Right on, Every.
Those are the "hidden" bloodlines
more powerful than the Rocks & Roths & richer by far.

Fr'instance, the Rothschlld's have a measly
$500 Trillion or so, reported anyway.

The Peyseurs, who aren't on either list
but who were the 'Paymasters' of the bloodlines,
when THEY were arrested in 2017
it is reported they had $34 QUADRILLION bucks.

That kind of money ERADICATES
poverty, hunger, homelessness, pollution, etc.
which, of course,
the demons weren't interested in doing.

And BTW — all this "wealth" of the "demons"
was STOLEN from Humanity 💥

Humanity were the devil's lab rats
& they tortured & experimented on us to death.



All names seem to originate from ROME ITALY and surrounding region. Satan used the Romans to infiltrate the population of Jerusalem thousands of years ago. After the crucifixion of Christ, Satan quickly used the same Romans to infiltrate the church that was founded by Jesus. They took their time unravelling every good work of Christ while He was among us and replacing them with every evil imaginable. No wonder that God regrets creating humans. Genesis 6:
"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. So the Lord was sorry that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart."
Those evil deeds were spawned solely from Satan and the fallen angels who followed Satan. They have taken up residence on Earth and their only purpose is to destroy every single soul on Earth.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @bmolina0003 in this post can reply

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

We can safely assume, Brandy, is that
in this demon matrix
was created by the demons
call them what you will:
Romans, Catholics, Nazis, Jesuits, Mafia, Jews —
it's all the SAME MONSTERS.

They divide us into groups
by race, skin color, religion,
haves & have-nots,
so that we will THINK we are separate
Humanity are God's angels
& the satanist demons are the devil's army
& it's really that simple.

Juan O Savin basically made that point
the other day.
You may THINK all INTEL agencies are separate
but in fact, they are not,
they're all under the same demon umbrella
working for the same singular enemy:
the deep state demons.

They constructed this hell
& QTeam is demolishing it 💥
Thank God 🙏🏻🕊