@qthestormrider777 has written a massive cabal history.
Will post all but begin with the Rockefeller COLLAPSE.

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
The first business emissary to China was GHWBush.
When he returns from China he becomes Director of CIA.
Who else is leading the attack to get China into our camp?
Henry Kissinger / Council of Foreign Relations
a Rockefeller operation.
All these agencies are run by disciples of the Rockefeller mentality.
David Rockefeller does this famous speech near the end of his life,
"The world needs to be run globally”
GHWB 11 years before 9-11 on 9-11-90 does his speech
"Out of these troubled times A NEW WORLD ORDER can emerge.”
All the enemies of President Trump
are almost universally from this Rockefeller camp.
Bill Clinton is a hidden Rockefeller. His Dad is Winthrop.
Who set up banking in China?
Rockefeller people: Kissinger & GHWBush.

This is chock full of information that I did not know. The end part about the live confession of David Rockefeller that he committed treason against the United States of America (of course Corporation) and stating that he was proud of it. Why was he not investigated, arrested and indicted for treason? So it's okay to state that you are "working against the interest of the United States? Seems like the DOJ FBI US Marshalls have been turning a blind eye to the elites for a very long time. And like Barry Soetero with multiple aliases, these elites just keep doing whatever they want - not even a slap on the hand. In my real world, I have witnessed people going to prison for DUI charges. Of course, many of those people have no money with which to bribe the courts.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @bmolina0003 in this post can reply

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

It actually wasn't a "confession"
of David Rockefeller's it was a BOAST
to his fellow cabalists
that he was a One World Order guy.

But David Rockefeller is dead.
Evelyn Rothschild is dead.
The Roths / Rock cabal banks are bankrupt.
The Fed is bankrupt.
B of A & Wells Fargo are bankrupt.
Their NWO is dead.
Their digital currency is dead.
Their Ukraine war is a massive defeat.
EVERYTHING about the Roths/Rocks
is dead.

Just a matter of making it official to the world
but that happy news is coming
when QTeam deems it so 💥

"Hidden" Rockefellers:
John Podesta, his son Chester Bennington.
Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres,
Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Clinton... it's a longer list.

Also keep in mind, Brandy,
that the Royals, Rockefellers & Rothschilds
are by no means the most powerful bloodlines
or the richest.
They're just the most visible.
They're actually MINIONS of the ones
REALLY pulling the strings.

We haven't seen THEM yet 💥

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

And we NEARLY fell for your evil bait. But now, there is another light shining on your evil deeds. That light is glowing brightly in the DUMBS where you stole our children and used them for your evil experiments and for your Satanic sacrifices. Satisfying your evil lusts, you raped, murdered and sacrificed innocent children and babies. You drank their blood and ate their tortured bodies. You feasted on the innocence souls of our humankind like you wasted our own lives under the taxes, wars and division. But your days are truly numbered. The time for you to meet your final judgement is coming ever closer to each one of you. You can NOT avoid that great Judgement day. You will never be in the presence of God or His Son. You will be with your boss Satan. Do you realize what he has planned for you in Hell? I doubt that you have any idea. You will be his last meal before he is thrown into the lake of fire. Thank God Almighty

Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

The Roman Empire never was defeated....it just went underground....literally.

These snakes have been operating in the DUMBS/tunnels for decades. They send up a human looking creature every so often to keep the facade going and keep sucking our children under from their bunkers.

It's probably gone on for more than decades but we have to try to be circumspect in our own timeline, I believe

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