Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
My first cockatoo came from a crack house. She barbed her feathers. Some self mutilate. I hope breeding these large parrots in captivity will stop. They're such magnificent creature. They live up to 80 years. We don't keep any other animal as a pet that lives anywhere near this long and we can never provide even close to what they need to be healthy. Cockatoos and macaws fly 1000's of miles a day in the wild. They're little athletes that deserve to be protected. When they start eating their own bodies that should be a sign to humanity to STOP breeding them in captivity. Most large parrots will experience self mutilating, barbing, plucking, vent prolapse and a number of other horrible health effects in their 80 years in captivity. Look up parrots that self mutilate. They'd rather be dead than in a cage. When will we wake up to what we're doing to animals and have a compassionate heart for others!
Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
Thank you! This is wonderful. Unfortunately breeders often use this as an excuse to continue breeding other large parrots in captivity. So they cause the problem and then say they're fixing it. But this is great news for the ones that specialize in re-population into the wild. There are others that are doing this very same thing for other parrots like the Black palm cockatoo. 💝