President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE
The ratings on that one would be splattered all over the roof.
Ok, through the roof.
...still works.

Shame all predators dont do that to themselves! The world would be a much better place!

HOLD THE LINE Neanderthal,s! organicfarming,Beaglemom. Veteran https://truthsocial.com/@Milldee
Phucking coward! yellow bellied snake! He knew he was wrong! He knew he was a threat to children, but he did it any way. and then could not live with himself being caught at his wrong!

Until the Twit Purge of '21 General Flynn was interested in the Messages I was putting out there, In THEIR words "The Time Is Now"
,,,NBC News confirmed the sting operation involved "Dateline" and its "To Catch A Predator" series and issued the following statement:
NBC News' "Dateline" was in Texas reporting on its "To Catch A Predator" series in conjunction with online watchdog group Perverted Justice. In the midst of that effort, Rockwall County Assistant District Attorney Louis W. Conradt Jr. contacted a decoy from Perverted Justice who was posing as a 13-year-old boy. Local authorities launched an investigation into Conradt's online communications and went to his home with an arrest warrant. In the course of that investigation, Conradt committed suicide. There was no contact whatsoever between Conradt and "Dateline" at any point in the investigation.
Texas prosecutor kills himself after sex sting
A Texas prosecutor killed himself Sunday as police tried to serve him with an arrest warrant alleging he solicited sex with a minor, authorities said.
Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam

Related/Unrelated: Seems inappropriate for an 8 year old to watch this show.

Chat GPT may have just lost me with this answet😳

Good GOD truther women are soooo much sexier than liberal women! Not even close!!!

A healer with many hats. Nature Mom is my fav Do from your heart and you will never be wrong Happily married to my soul mate
its always been who you are not what you did to a child!
good part is it may have led to all the prefator catchers today!!!!!
cant imagine how many kids feel invisible too today bc no one wanted to rock the fookin boat!

Sad no justice! It comes from the elites. Their families get away with murder and other crimes while we have to abide by the so called laws. Ive never been in trouble but i know attorney sons that escape the same punishment as others only because they know the judges. smh

Sad no justice! It comes from the elites. Their families get away with murder and other crimes while we have to abide by the so called laws. Ive never been in trouble but i know attorney sons that escape the same punishment as others only because they know the judges. smh
Only followers of this user (@Joey) can see their posts

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
follow 607 predator hunters in Facebook its local people doing that in the Finger Lakes in NY (where I am from). They have outed dozens of people. One being a high profile local news person.. 👀

Finger Lakes is Hunter’s back tattoo. definitely something shady going on there, especially since it’s accesible by submarine.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Where I am from too, caught a local news anchor as well, however they have been deplatformed with regards to youtube.

Nurse, Master in Medical QiGong, Jikiden & Usui Reiki, Believer in God, Family, Country, Constitution and the Goodness of People!
they should’ve kept that show on! Even if it was just prove the point that no one is above the law! I think they should show the episode on network TV after EBS.

🇺🇸🇺🇸55🇺🇸🇺🇸. Suspended 11 times on Twitter, 8 on FB. Twitter @5Never_Give_Up5. https://truthsocial.com/@5Never_Give_Up5
4:10pm est. military 16:10 .
1:41 second video.

Christian 🛡Women and children safety instructor 🛡Patriot WWG1WGA
im on your side of tik tok 😂

Yes, sounds like Suicide Weekend fast approaching.
Here is the video to watch:

Dman72 from twatter. Here because of VK and Koba

Dman72 from twatter. Here because of VK and Koba

Woah! Can we get it on the internet? You know, the last taped show of the Texas AG? No need to see the ending because I would look away.

Literally just saw this on tiktok.

Truth seeker...can’t sleep anymore...420 vibes guy...music lover...poet...Rmt Vr...golfing... books...fafo...MotorCity...🍿🍿🍿❤️🇺🇸
one remembers ...there was a joke back in the day ...
what do you do with a wet bullet ... put it in the dwyer...
?! ...

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
gonna get ugly, real ugly!
2004 huh?
damn fookers!!!

Love my country and my fellow Patriots. LOVE MY PRESIDENT. BRING THE PAIN SIR!!!!!! I DO NOT RESPOND TO DM!!!!
One less child predator, no reason to cancel the show!

kinda like chris Hanson fked up onicion investigation and that clown still walks free? how about all the charges that ended up getting dropped because of the "team" they were working with was fkn up investigation left and right so pedos pretty much just walked. yeah this was no surprise to hear about back in the day. show protected pedos, by fkn up investigation, not locked em up. tied cops and investors hands.
EDP is perfect example of "video justice" actually protecting these assholes cause "muh laws" .
i wanna see more pedo self deletion plz and ty, as our system is beyond fucked
Only followers of this user (@Joey) can see their posts

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
It is bad enough suspecting most men[as it is almost always men]
with what we learn year after year, just how big/slimey it is
worldwide--then you realize they are suspecting you too
Only followers of this user (@techstartupmom) can see their posts

No reason to cancel the show but a great reason to renew it for multiple seasons.

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
Wow! Of course us un Texas never heard a word about it.