Trump Time Travel Miracle | Call Me Stormy
Nicholas Veniamin shares a video that explains how Donald Trump gets so much right -- he's able to travel through time and see the future in advance, as well as go back in time to survey history. Veniamin says the author of the hour-long video remains unknown, but watch it, and you'll come to unders..
Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
So at this point maybe we should be asking about the books about Baron, the Marvelous Adventures and the Last President???
Were the books really printed back then or are they a more recent time loop plant that only appear to be that old?
Do they also steal time from us?
Are we reset every so many years?
Nana knows for a FACT from my NDE that time is NOTHING like what we think it is here in these Earth suits.
Nana had a time jumper contact me on twit wit yrs ago and he kept jumping into my dreams.
He knew things about my dreams that I never told anyone.
He thought I was JFKs mother in another life time or another dimension.
He was trying to get information I believe to try to prevent JFKs Mom and Dad from ever meeting, thinking that would prevent him and JR from being born or that was the feeling I got from what he said and did jumping into my dreams.
Would you like to be JFK's mom? I guess you'd like that?
I think, IF time travel is possible, it opens up new timelines every time you change something after a jump. A new timeline is created that is different from the other one (that still exists within it's own right, because of the probability that the person to jump into yours, will not jump into yours, because there is a decision to be made to do it or not. Also accidents can happen, etc. anyway, there is a probability attached to everything, even time jumps, which in turn means, that the untouched timeline will continue to exist in any way, while others are being split from the orig. one after any kind of influence. Same happens all the time going forward, whenever you make a decision, even without time jumping, so the universe is infinite, anyways. Continuously splitting into new possible timelines.
Back to the hot topic: If the book was written and brought back in time, it would start existing in another timeline, not in ours

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
The time jumper experience would have been brought on by someone else not me. At that time really I had no idea about any of this stuff. If I had know more about things at the time Nana would have messed with him on a large scale, would have had fun with it. Nope never had being JFKs Mom enter my thoughts until he jumped in and started it.
He kept talking about needing to talk to her at the age they met and got pissed off when I took my dreams back to being a child instead. It was a case where I was in the dream but I knew I was in the dream and I also knew he was one of the little boys in the dream with me even tho I had no idea who he was.
He got pissed off over it and me asking questions & deleted all of his existence to that point even all his posts & even his DMs.
Have researched her a very little since then and if I dont have her mistaken for his grandmother, she was a bit psychotic it would seem to me.

if that jump came from our timeline, according to the split up theory.
That means it cannot just appear when it's previously never been there in our history books.
The fact, that we never heard of it doesn't proof it's never been there. If it was, and was hidden, a jump from our timeline would have been possible.
If it didn't and now it's here, it would proof another theory of time travel, exactly as it is shown in Back to the Future, that you can actually ALTER your own timeline, without a split up. If things get changed they appear right in front of your eyes. People would morph all the time and paper snippets from new articles would change appearance all the time.
I don't think, we see enough of that, so i conclude, the changing of the picture as in Back to the Future is not possible, timelines get changed, they split up.
I could consider marking a certain person for timeline parallelity, or whatever you can call it. on a microscopic level their cells would be altered accordi

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
I have no idea, but I see other timelines from time to time in my peripheral closed eye vision running like movie films. They fly by so fast I cant see the pic,but sometimes they stop for a few seconds an play like a mini movie. I dont know the ppl in them.
My guide took me to another timeline once or ran the appearance of doing it in my visions that were so real I thought I was going to have a heart attack after for a couple hours when I came out o it.
It was like walking thro water. The timeline was parallel to this one and we just stepped into it like walking thr a doorway. I was never sure that night if I actually got back to the place I started.
After that experience I was given that there were many timelines and that the farther away we get from the one we are in the more different they become. Don't ask me why as I could not tell you but the closes ones are very little difference.