2018: Get beaten up on behalf on humanity
2019: Same
2020: Same
2021: Same
2022: Same
I have vague hopes that by the end of 2023 my daughters will have figured out that I am not quite as embarrassing a father as they previously believed. Would be nice not to get beaten up quite so much for a change.
But I would rather be a fighter than any of the alternatives.

I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
Martin, there is no possible way to understand the highest form of love that a daughter has for her father unless you are that daughter.
Since I am a daughter and speaking from a daughters point of view
you are the most important person in their lives.
What makes you that great?
Your LOVE and listening skills. The simple fact that they know you will go to the ends of the earth for them. You are the ONE person who's strength they draw from.
Speaking as a "Daddy's Girl" It matters not what you accomplish in your personal life. What matters is that you love and that you are stable minded in that love. It's the very core, the foundation in which your daughters navigate their lives.
That's it. It's pretty simple.
The only thing that daughters need from their fathers is to feel loved.
Keep doing what you are doing
Being beat up shows strength.
Cowards stay out of the line of fire.
You won't see a mark on them.
I'm positive they're proud of you.
I mean, I am.
well said and 100% spot on❤️🙌🔥