The Gospel of Thomas is a non-canonical gospel that contains 114 sayings attributed to Jesus. It is a collection of Jesus' teachings, rather than a narrative account of his life. The 114 sayings are presented in a random order, and the final saying in the collection is Saying 114:
"Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
um you have to be transgender to get into Jesus kingdom?
after reading this i have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the devil his kingdom is hell and he deceived a lot of people by dividing the population but still have them both cheer for the devil. christ is cain the sun God a result of evil demons raping Eve. his brother abel is satan the ruler of this earth. then there is God the creator of ALL
& lots lost in translation as i have read other yexts & accounts where Mary had to disguise herself as a man to not be killed ...which would explain this passage if it was lost in translation whether on purpose or not...we need more truths for this...& the fact jesus was not his true name since j did not exist then ...& this old 1800's bible i have says this👀& i wonder if Christ was her & they crucified her as these hard to find & rare painting about statue & painting depict (saying other names) the fake religion church will
collapse when people realize what they did to women! Chin up! you are stronger than you know!
The spiritual battle is the most difficult battle because it is literally a battle for your soul. This is where praying for discernment in what you see is vitally important. Deception comes at us from all sides. I can honestly say that none of that rings true for me. At all. I know my personal relationship with Jesus is secure . There are times when I feel overwhelmed with his love and peace pouring through me and never once has anything remotely close to what Thomas’s supposed book teaches has ever entered my mind.
i respect your thoughts :)
have you read this book the paraphrase of shem?
can you explain how eve was created from Adam's rib
or would it make more sense that adam and eve were created together at the same time to produce the holy bloodline of seth vs cain (christ) and abel (satan)
i have a VERY open mind
i loved Jesus for the last 3 years
now i come across these books and A ton of anons telling us everything is a lie we must use our critical thinking skills to seee the truth that they want us divided? for what reason to make us weak. when we come together we can move mountains and also be protected while this evil gets destroyed forever and our bloodline of the invisible God will remain and flourish in a safe society.
why is q starting to talk about ascension
The first and only time I read through the Gospel of Thomas, I was hit hard by that last passage. I immediately closed the pdf and sat and wondered if maybe I read it wrong or out of context. I opened it and read it again and closed it just as fast. I assumed I was misinterpreting it somehow since so many have espoused the writings in The Gospel of Thomas. It has bothered me ever since and I continue looking for now even more questions. I find myself believing that we are not supposed to figure this out. Instead we are to simply look within and be kind, be love, and be true to ourselves and others and toss every other teaching out the door.
i was mindblown at the last passage too. it makes sense now w the evil world transgender agenda.. they will all go to hell as thats what they committed too.. i am so mindblown.
we are not meant to find this out as it means we will deny the devil/christ and find the true source invisible God who created everything and is the one who gives us ALL the knowledge Of good and evil to keep us good people. once you know the truth you will be saved. also religion gives people ptsd because its so scary to be condemned to hell and so easy to sin.
the truth is if we all come together as one we can overtake the devil and thats what he doesnt want us to know thats why he created 2 religions one disguised as good one as evil! by dividing us he is making sure we can never come together to over take him and he reigns keeping us slaves to him knowing we will never ascend with true knowledge from God creator of everything, source of light and knowledge
Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
Peter and Paul both warn us about the 'end times' and tells us to be cautious:
Titus 3;9-11
But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.
II Peter 1;16-17
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to Him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
So I "read the extra books" that are not specifically mentioned within the Scriptures themselves like the Bk of Enoch is (mentioned in Jude) only for historical relevance.
i have been numb for 3 days
i found out the truth lol
if you want to read or listen to these books you will be able to see what im saying?
the secret book of john, hypostasis of the archons, gospel of judas, the creation of the world, the apocolypse of adam, book of enoch, paraphrase of shem, gospel of thomas, holy book of the great invisible holy spirit
heres link to secret book of john