The Gospel of Thomas is a non-canonical gospel that contains 114 sayings attributed to Jesus. It is a collection of Jesus' teachings, rather than a narrative account of his life. The 114 sayings are presented in a random order, and the final saying in the collection is Saying 114:
"Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
um you have to be transgender to get into Jesus kingdom?
after reading this i have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the devil his kingdom is hell and he deceived a lot of people by dividing the population but still have them both cheer for the devil. christ is cain the sun God a result of evil demons raping Eve. his brother abel is satan the ruler of this earth. then there is God the creator of ALL
i have been numb for 3 days
i found out the truth lol
if you want to read or listen to these books you will be able to see what im saying?
the secret book of john, hypostasis of the archons, gospel of judas, the creation of the world, the apocolypse of adam, book of enoch, paraphrase of shem, gospel of thomas, holy book of the great invisible holy spirit
heres link to secret book of john
Thanking you and wishing you a happy new year ❤️
I'll look into it and to be honest, I always had a funny feeling about jesus, even the pictures of him, something didn't felt right. But when so many are confident about him, so just push your thoughts away... still I have not ruled him out yet...
I truly believe in God and his Love ✨