Deplorable 63*
7 months ago

Deplorable 63*

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I am really getting the feeling something BIG is about to go down. Been getting shivers and shakes (No I am not sick) as I read updates and think about what may happen this week. I cant shake it. I am not a date predicter I am a watcher that is tuned into his body and something just isnt sitting right.

Wow. This hit me right where my feels reside..


This Kim Clement letter you want to hear is from 2006 in North Carolina.In the video, I referenced Lindsey Graham as being North Carolina, when he is actuall...

A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"

We are not presenting sermons in here.

We are not giving you a list of things that you must do, things that you must NOT do...

We trust YOU to find your path to where you need to go.

We present here content from many different sources. Some may resonate with you - if so, then this is our gift to you.

Take it, it is yours now.

If it does not resonate with you, then you and it are not a frequency match at this time - you may never be, or it may align with you at a later date.

What you do with what is shared is up to you. It is not really any of our concern. It is given unconditionally.

You won't be hounded out of here if you disagree with something, the point where we tend to object is only when people try to control what we may or may not share, and/ or to impose their viewpoints onto others.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏

In response Deplorable 63* to his Publication

It was a confusing time, that’s for sure. The flood gates opened. Every person seeking truth dug and continues to do so. I’ll miss VK, he wasn’t looking for praise or followers. If folks are, they aren’t in the know, nor the now. 🙂


In response Deplorable 63* to his Publication

Q and VK (the original) have been tremendous in this - but there are still a few- and I mean just a few who are here continuing the work.. and have always done the work .... and because we are small accounts - no one bothers to LOOK.... remember: SMALL ACCOUNTS MATTER... yet most still want to follow the BIG BOYs.... wonder what the FAN CLUB will do now????

Set aside for a moment all that you have seen and heard over the last 4 years. Look instead at the moment you read your first Q post or VK post. What did you think and or feel? Take that feeling and run with it. We learned from Q and VK to meme and expose what "They" expect us to forget and move on from. We must not forget. We must not let others forget. Q and VK gave us the tools and belief in ourselves. Lets use them and make them proud.

Think about it. When you turn on the light what do the cockroaches do? They scurry and run to hide. It is up to each of us to turn on the light! Now is the time. Light em up. Share what you know. Be loud and persistent. Damn the dark and shine the light. LETS DO THIS NOW!!!

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Good evening Patriots.

As promised will be giving away this 12 inch Terresect on 11/22 here on AU. To enter just leave a . below. This is the nicest one that I made so far. Going to be missing you all.

*New accounts are not eligible. will pay for shipping to the lower 48 states.

I am manifesting that we see, within the next week, a resignation of Biden followed by a huge stock market crash.
Eyes Open
Head on a swivel
No Fear

LIVE! "Over There Wars" Are Coming Here. BE READY FOR ANOTHER 911. New "War On Terror." Mannarino - YouTube

Lions and friends. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING MY WORK!Links to MMRI, FREE Chat Room, FREE Charts, FREE Downloads, MORE! Click:

If my friend has an enemy, that does not make him my enemy.
I will support my friend without judgement until the time arises that there is concrete proof either way where my loyalty should stand.

Eucharistic procession takes Christ, his Gospel through Manhattan’s streets.

Freedom - Jimmy Levy (Official Freedom Anthem) - YouTube

Amidst a firmament consumed by the oppressive grip of government overreach and tyrannical control, a man by the name of Jimmy Levy emerged, poised to make a ...

I just received a Real Yellow Pages. I cannot remember the last time I even saw one of these. Its like a throwback to an easier time in my life. It literally made me smile as I paged thru it.


Applause 👏

Waiting for the Trump card... Supporting General Flynn⭐️⭐️⭐️... #wwg1wga Truth Social:

I made this video from a bunch of videos I saved back in 2020, 2021 and 2023, it's all about the faulty PCR test, maybe you can share it with those who do not know this...

It starts with 2 images 5 seconds each, if it goes to fast to read, press pause...

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

In case you missed it the first time around. Listen and follow. We have this! We were made for this! Lets go to war!!!

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

Pay Attention to what QanonKaren7 is saying about the upcoming BRICS Summit....

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

Oregon State Police are closing Hwy 199
at the California border

If you have family or friends in Southern Oregon or Northern California please make sure they are prepared for anything from power outages to evacuation.

Map of the fires is in comments

It is interesting to me that the latest Vid Strain being warned against, the WHO has named Eris. Eris was the Goddess of chaos, strife and discord.

It seems I have been doing this alot lately but...
To all my peeps in California, Nevada, Arizona, be safe, be aware, be careful. Be prepared to head to high ground if need be. Batten down the hatches and buckle up.

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.

I'm back after a few months on twitter.
I don't like the energy there now.
And am not getting the support I am seeking.
I hope I will be welcomed back after my hiatus.
Rather done w/the battlefield atm.
Just focused on rebuilding my life
and need support in doing that.

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.

A random Drop -4735

I have been spending a lot of time on X waiting on "The Tweet" and I gotta say, I am honestly not enjoying X the way I used to. Everybody trying to get paid is bullshit. So many posts looking for engagement and so little meaningful posts in between making me scroll forever = far less enjoyment. I always come back here. This is my real home and I feel bad for thinking otherwise. I Love My AU Community.

Can you give this gentleman a listen? His name is Lathan Warlick and he could use some exposure too. He puts christian lyrics in songs and is a true inspiration.

Praying for my new friend that flew into my window. Sitting praying for him waiting for him to fly away.