I had a runny nose last night.
Took some ivermectin for fun.
Completely fine today.
Tested positive for chocolate.
Life is good (unless you are a sheep).
How did you get it over here? I couldnt seem to find it a while ago
For anyone struggling to obtain Ivermectin to fight spike protein shedding sickness, or vaccine injuries, Frontline Doctors are now recommending Black Cumin Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) as a viable alternative.
It’s freely available in most countries in many online health-stores, including eBay and Amazon.
any verified info on shedding sickness reality, does it float out of
them then into others? I know of two people I was too close to if
that is a thing, and my body and other family--all unvaxed--feel affected months ago, but then it seems all people keep getting
sick round and round over and over
Dr. Carrie Madej DETOX bath instructions:
I trust Dr. Carrie Madej. Her explanations resonate with me, but DYOR.
Dr Carrie Madej on COVID19 vaccine shedding.
vaccinechoicecanada.com Dr Carrie Madej of Vaccine Choice Canada speaks out on her thoughts regarding possible shedding of spike proteins by those who have received the COVID vaccines.