I had a runny nose last night.
Took some ivermectin for fun.
Completely fine today.
Tested positive for chocolate.
Life is good (unless you are a sheep).
How did you get it over here? I couldnt seem to find it a while ago
For anyone struggling to obtain Ivermectin to fight spike protein shedding sickness, or vaccine injuries, Frontline Doctors are now recommending Black Cumin Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) as a viable alternative.
It’s freely available in most countries in many online health-stores, including eBay and Amazon.
Horse Paste
Ivermectin equine paste for emergency use if doctor prescribed Ivermectin cannot be obtained
Ivermectin dosages for Humans, Horses, Dogs, & Cats are identical and based on body weight.
It is safe for a human to take the horse paste 1.87% Ivermectin.
VERIFY LABEL: Anthelmintic & Botricide and nothing else.
Here is a link to a WEEKLY dosing chart of the various forms of Ivermectin to match your body weight.
It is difficult to overdose on Ivermectin so precision measurement is not critical. For prophylactic (prevention) measures take WEEKLY. If sick increase as necessary at your own discretion / risk.
Doctor perscribed literally uncessary and insanely overpriced.
We ran out of/cant get pills go eat some black seed oil. 4x less effective than ivermectin
May 12, 2018 6:16:10 PM EDT
Q !4pRcUA0lBE
They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.
DESTROY THROUGH [misinformation].
Absorb the 'confused'.
Re-route traffic to other platforms.
Problem > Reaction > Solution.
Dr. Gold’s family is literally BIG Pharma + her J6 clown show isobviously a grift / PSYOP.
aka ADFL is a MOSSAD OP.