Based on what we have seen over the last few years, "liberals"...
- Do not believe in equal rights for all
- Do not believe in free speech for all
- Do not believe in blind justice for all
This makes them a danger to everyone, as pretty much any infringement against those they dislike can be rationalised. It's not hard to see how Nazi-type atrocities are set up via such "othering". Those that disagree with them are treated as morally and intellectually deficient.
They see themselves as the modern aristocracy, with no question of any possibility they might ever be in the wrong and need to humble themselves. I don't hate them for being who they are, but I am unlikely to ever respect them again. A long road to rehabilitation as people to be trusted with responsibility.

Either your definition of liberal doesn't match mine, or your definitions of equal rights, free speech, and blind justice doesn't match mine, because that statement makes no sense to me.
As for the othering, that's exactly what we can observe on this site, so I'd be careful in taking the moral high ground here. If you've read things like "sheep", "zombies" or "NPCs" here, that's exactly what this means, and pretending only "liberals" do it is simply wrong, if not maliciously wrong.
People on the right love to take the moral high ground and then complain about others taking the moral high ground.
Actions Speak louder than words
Don't we Look At the deeds?
Do the deeds Dictate The Morals?
Or Do The morals Dictate the Deeds?
Where Does One Draw Their Lines?