There have been countless unreported vax-deaths
but for those who've managed to survive
1 or 2 jabs &/or a Booster
there are many Healing technologies that will be released
As I *understand* it
these have been in use for countless years
by the Super Soldiers in Space
& Special Forces on Earth
as they rescue MILLIONS & MILLIONS of children.
Med Beds for all those who go into the D.U.M.B.S.
Not only for physical recovery, but psychological as well.
Whether it be Med Beds or Frequencies or Crystals
there are endless painless ways to HEAL HUMANITY
from Big Pharma & all that is coming.
Gene Decode said the deep state have been living
on technology a million years ahead of where we are now.
Q The Storm Rider has been a bit less exuberant
& posted that the U.S. Military has Tech decades ahead
of where we are now
that includes Time & Space travel
designed by Tesla & John G Trump.

Descendant of Martha Washington & Gen Custer's sister. Comm Artist. Happily Married 44 years!! America, Bless God!!!
"MASS SHOOTINGS" of the Worst Kind........

Christian, Patriot, American. 2A. #WWG1WGA. God Bless America. Twitter: @Slr64Q (followed by Gen'l Flynn); GAB: @gooberZ24; WeGo: susieQ
I am praying for Med Beds; so many need their benefits. I understand cancer patients first, rightfully so. What is the order of who gets to use them? I am vaccine damaged from MMR as a child; deaf in right ear since then. Will the med beds restore nerve deafness? How do we find out they are available, in our areas?

I'm so sorry for what you've suffered 💞
As I understand it,
EVERYONE will have access to Med Beds & for FREE.
But there will be MANY other healing technologies
coming as well, that may heal you just as quick!
We don't know what White Hats have in store
but it's going to feel MIRACULOUS to us
especially if you're very old & want to be young again,
or dying & want to live,
or missing limbs, or in a wheelchair, or have Alzheimer's, etc.
Have you seen this video of what Med Beds can do?
Thrilling 🙏🕊️
Nesera, Gesera - making its way around the world and with it comes the Future of something wonderful and spectacular. The Global Economic Security and Reform Act is a global prosperity program on the verge of being announced and activated. This pro…
Descendant of Martha Washington & Gen Custer's sister. Comm Artist. Happily Married 44 years!! America, Bless God!!!
I have tinnitus for as long as I can remember, plus hearing loss in both ears, more loss in left ear. Been on the LiveWave Crystal Healing Patches for 12 days. 6 days in, and I was home sick with the flu, we were taking my temp, and for the first time in 10-15 years, I heard the thermometer beeper going off!!! Faint, but I still heard it....

The silence of those who took the shot will be their own downfall.
God has given all of us many chance to set or wrongs right.
Low vibration are unjust people, they don't seek for a wrong to be made right.
And this is why you still see Trump haters on the left, even though they witnessed the choices they made had negative consequences.
Do you see them out there speaking out against the shot protecting the kids or stopping the others from 3rd or 4th shot?
If they can't own up to what they did and supported when they try to use the medbeds it won't heal them.
God will not allow it they have to atone and learn and grow from the error they made because this is what good people do.
Good people can naively do bad things but once they figured it out they make amends.
Why do you think the Luciferians cannot use this light technology?

Med Beds are LIGHT technology
& can ONLY be used by God Created LIGHT Beings
like Hunanity.
Which is why QTeam
is constantly posting
Not only won't you be able to use Med Beds
if you still cling to the 3D matrix
& continue to live the 3D matrix prison life
you won't be able to ASCEND
which is why QTeam have done this painstakingly SLOWLY
so EVERYONE will have a chance to CHOOSE ASCENSION
to Celestial Realms from whence we came.
Spirit can't make that decision for you.
You have to CHOOSE IT 🙏💞
“Ask & it will be given to you;
seek & you will find;
knock & the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
the one who seeks finds;
& to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7 : 7, 8

Descendant of Martha Washington & Gen Custer's sister. Comm Artist. Happily Married 44 years!! America, Bless God!!!
I’m an unvaxxed covid-pneumonia/ full protocol survivor!!! Off work 2 months, on ventilator 15 days, remdesivir (auto-text does not want to populate this???) got morphine, even fentanyl plus a whole lot more! We fired our primary dr, and our new, nearly holistic dr had ivermectin lotion mixed with body lotion. my fam snuck it in and rubbed on my body and 3 days later I was like 200% better! I came home with NO supplemental O2!!! We are now using crystals technology in the form of Lifewave Healing Patches, that help our bodies restore existing, and create our own stem cells! This is so much better than stem cell injections!!

WOW! What an inspiring post.
Blessings to you, STEVE.
I LOVE topical Ivermectin.
This is the brand I use 🙏💞
BUY 2 GET 1 FREE - EXCLUSIVE PATRIOT DEAL! TOPICAL IVERMECTIN - Large 4.8 oz Topical Spray Bottle. Our very own Brand. Used to prevent and eradicate all COVID variants, negative symptoms from the shots, the flu and colds. MY PERSONAL STORY : Ivermectin has been my First Line of Defense for some time..
PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
I can't purchase unless I have the ID# from you

do you happen to have the link to Gene’s interview

It was several years ago & many of Gene's videos
along with most Patriots I can think of
have had their videos wiped from youtube.
But this is a snippet of it 👍
Gene Decode & Scott McKay: Hidden Military Info Coming In That Will Blow Your Mind - Everything We've Been Taught Is A Lie | Paranormal | Before It's N..
Gene Decode & Scott McKay: Hidden Military Info Coming In That Will Blow Your Mind - Everything We've Been Taught Is A Lie Scott McKay and ex military Gene Decode discuss intelligence that's been hidden from us for generations with advanced technology that will literally blow your mind. ..
It had to be this or nothing would have mattered. Thank you.

🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖
This is so needed n not just for the vaxed, Kat.
So much harm's been done in so many ways.
Sooo looking forward to reclaiming our world🙏✨🕊️

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.
we are loosing too many now
Only followers of this user (@GODmyFatherJesusmySavior) can see their posts

I'm with you, Bettie!
Wish Med Beds were released YESTERDAY!!
There used to be a GREAT clip from the movie ELYSIUM
of a Med Bed
But here's one from PASSENGERS '16

ULTRA MAGA, Gen X, Texas Patriot. #WWG1WGA #GOD WINS.
We all need them to rid of the shedding if you are around the public. I am a walking banner. Lost hair to vaccines twice in earlier adulthood, so no vaccines since. Everyone around me jabbed since last fall. EHEM, hair started falling December. I bought a wig today. I'm not shy about telling that story during the silence.

Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
I can see that there is tech way more advanced than what we know already available,(but kept from us). I can believe “decades”, but not “millions” (just wrote off Gene Decode for that). And - no one has explained, if [they] had access to all this, like medbeds, why did they age as they did?

University of PA, Wharton School, BS Econ Allied Health Degree - Respiratory Therapy. Volunteer - Aquaponics Farm Problem fixer.
Perhaps the aging and dying deep staters we see are clones. The real ones may have been whisked off to Antarctica or off planet before we can begin to notice a lack of aging.

Most aren’t even the actual person. Look alikes, facemasks, etc. Even if it was..people would notice public figures not aging. Optics where needed to keep the illusion going.