Brandon Polito
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I just started reading the Synchronicity Key by David Wilcock and was interested to learn that Matt Tiabbi back in 2013 was writing to expose the Banking Cartel as it related to the LIBOR scandal. Wilcock went on to say that through his research, he was contacted by Alliance faction(white hats) which shared a lot of information w/ him regarding their proof of nefarious dealings of the DS. He also went on to mention that there were thousands of MIL that were part of this Alliance. My point here is that I find it interesting that MIL had been working and had direct evidence of all of this most likely way before 2013. Now fast forward to now and we are STILL gathering information? Seems to me that there could be 2-3 volumes of encyclopedias of Information/proof of crimes already gathered that would take the average person quite a while to digest. Again, if not now when? The only potential thought would be an increase of mass consciousness, however I'd humbly argue that we are about there.

There is No reason to have 90% of he US to be woken up. If you are not awake as of yet, then let the chips fall where they may. The Public can and will handle truth as we always have. If we are still under the US Corp, then all those making judgements (SCOTUS)are all part of that system just like congress is. Its the blind leading the blind. If MIL is the only way, then my opinion is let them present what they have, if they have it all to the American people and WE Will digest it and seek justice. Not sure how we can expect justice from the very same system that has caused all of this to begin with. If not now When? No more underestimating the Citizens of the US.

If Military TRULY have all of the evidence, there would not be any other reason to put the good people of the US through more waiting. Lets face it, there will never be a "perfect" time to disclose.

I was just listening to Kerry Cassidy and I would say that she is 100% spot on when she expounded about the timing of everything and that there is no reason to continue to wait for more to "wake up"

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

seems as though SC refused to hear the case on 2020 election fraud. this tells you everything you need to know. Exhaust every possible legal remedy, let the public bear whitness and you are left with only one option.

seems as though SC refused to hear the case on 2020 election fraud. this tells you everything you need to know. Exhaust every possible legal remedy, let the public bear whitness and you are left with only one option.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Was a bit on edge after last night’s DJT announcement and implied that our Military was not on top of everything. I had someone reply to my post and kindly reminded me not to let initial emotions play a part of what has been and IS underway. After some introspection and a more 40k view, I can say that there are too many unexplained higher forces at work. There is a reason our Military is the finest in the world , and it’s what we dont see sometimes is what matters most. Too many coincidences not to have something higher at play. My lesson learned was not to have initial emotions detract from the BIG picture! WWG1WGA!

I may be late to the party, but what if “watch the water” reference is directed toward Kari LAKE.

We the People 🇺🇸 Knowledge Is Power✨ God is a frequency tune in 🔊 God Wins ❤️
DJT all the way

Happy Veterans Day! Coming from a family where my Father was a Marine that served in Korea. We will NEVER forget any that have served and are serving!
Trump was righ (Again) when he said Now we will see everyone’s true colors post mid-terms. Let me start by saying that I like RD, but he is NO Trump. If we are being honest, there would be no Gov RD w/o Trump. Establishment RINOS are sensing potentilal controllability with Ron to push a divide in the movement. They continue to UNder estimate MAGA. You do not take out a hall of fame QB in the 4th quarter to put in your 1st round pick. Let’s face it, no one is lining up across the country 30k plus to hear RD speak. No one in modern time could have dont what Trump has in terms of Uniting the country, endorsing winners, fundraising, etc.. We ALL ride with brought us here until the game is over. RD will have his time (at some point) and that is when Trump has finished what he set out to do!

It was noted that the National Guard was monitoring 14 locations during last night’s election. Seems to me we will soon find out if OUR Military will step in expiditously to correct the fraud that occurred in key states OR we find out that they are as compromised as SOME of our Politicians!! America cannot pause for months for justice!


#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍊
If you watch only one video today, please watch this &
1min 56sec vid
Always fallow the money!
Let this sink in for a minute.

If you have not seeb Above Majestic, which you can find on amazon, I would highly recommend it. Ties everything you know and a lot you do not together. well worth the time!!

What ever happened w/ the structure in front of the WH? Still there ir gone?