When the normies wake up and realise they have been fooled, betrayed, and poisoned then they will rage. The desire for vengeance will risk the collapse of society into a bloodbath. That is why all the justice has to be completed out of sight before the mass awakening. Our patience has rewards. It is also why you need an army of prepared patriots who can prove that this was all preplanned. "Things are under control so sit down and calm down and let us hold you as you shake and shudder in fury." Without Q and the anons it would be the end of humanity.

The sheep never revolt- they're too scared and rely on their primitive reactive brain , not the reasoning, critical thought regions, to shape their reality. if Big Brother tells them to jump off a cliff for their own well-being they will gladly do it. it will be the Freedom fighters that will fight when they're pushed to the precipice.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...
I would agree to a degree - sheep do follow blindly even off a cliff. However, some sheep do rebel and fight back and become aggressive.
I own sheep. When their babies are endangered, or if they are backed into a corner, or if a ram is protecting his ewes...get ready to be hit HARD and knocked on your butt.
Sheep are very much brainless little creatures - but under the right circumstances they break away from that and turn into dangerous animals that can seriously hurt you.
Out of my flock of Finnish sheep (known to be very gentle sheep), we have a large handful that are pets - they follow us everywhere, call for us, will climb in our laps if we sit down in their pen (leftover from when they were babies - they don't fit on laps anymore, LOL!). They are incredibly sweet, trusting, loving, and loyal. Not attributes normally thought about when sheep are mentioned.
The normies are similar - they have positives to them, we need to see the good as well as possible dangers.
well said and agree!