"WE" had informed you over 7 months ago

Mystic Knight@mysticknight
7 months ago
The wokes are not shitting bricks because Elon bought Twatter and "They" will not be able to censor anymore
"They" are shitting bricks because "They" know the secret concatenate link strings will reveal a very disturbing censored feed, gate kept by the very wokes who call themselves saviors

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Many do not equate Musk with more than his businesses, but he is from South Africa, where they have maintained "farms" for thousands of years longer than the Americas. This hugely bigger than just free speech...and twitter is global...

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

know the secret concatenate link strings
He is hinting at it

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

link me to a crash course. not beginner, can handle intense study.

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

If you mean the link strings, I am truly sorry, I can not,
Musk will release it when it is time to, it does belongs to him
If you mean esoteric studies
What would you like to know?

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

how to identify concatenate link strings

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

when they are posted

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Most likely, it will not be posted but will show how, when and what [THEY] were doing

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

lol...C++...I quit working with that a quarter century ago!

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

LoL, where they to and who connected is the most important part

As you already know, nothing is lost nor useless when it comes to the net

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

it is a good thing too! I am currently on a crash course on the differences between the two constitutions, Republic and corporation. Whew! so glad for the net!

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Oh the irony
The very tool of enslavement became the tool for freedom

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

and vise versa...it is a fine line and quite the mess. Today is one of those days when I just want to close my eyes and imagine what it could be if we all learned to just be kinder. I have a dream... of everyone being so wealthy that money means nothing, and if you need a service, you must be kind enough to a person to make them WANT to gift their time and aide to you....it always comes back to that pesky "free will". People have to WANT to be kinder....this missing original Thirteenth amendment is quite interesting though...

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

In time the public will, it is free will after all and though it may seems uncomfortable at the moment, they will realize it when they crash. Look at the former Twit employees, most now see what was done because of their foolishness. It is over and they know it. but most of America must awaken personally or rudely.
Funny how slavery was never abolished.
Your crimes? Breathing the air [THEY] believe [THEY] own, walking the Earth [THEY believe is [THEIRS], drinking the waters [THEY] believe [THEY] manifest and for simply existing.
Thus mRNA, war on drugs, war on crime, etc...
They Live is a documentary

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Have you seen this amendment? in the us corp constitution it was replaced with the current one, with the fourteenth sixteenth and seventeenth never being ratified.
That is probably the hardest part for this grammy. I would not wish the pain of awakening on anyone, and yet they must all run that gauntlet to move forward…

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Yes, it was removed "hidden" when the U.S. was founded and then sold off to the London Charter, but you must read between the lines, that involves every single American alive today. Pauper, commoner, etc... are nobility titles
Remember what Hillary called Americans?

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Yes and no. How we interpret it now is completely separate from how it was interpreted when written, and there is where the confusion begins. Words do indeed matter. This "dog latin" is for the birds😂 At the time passing the Bar exam was the equivalent of a British Honour, and the attempt was made to keep them from legislating the law to benefit themselves vs the people. However, bringing it to the forefront would remove a great many folks from Congress who had received fringe benefits from lobbyists...as I understand it, it is still attached to the original constitution, simply removed from the corporate constitution. still a lot to cross reference though.

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

commoner (n.)
late 14c. (mid-14c. in Anglo-French), "one of the common people, a member of the third estate," agent noun from common (v.) "participate in common, associate or have dealings with" (mid-14c.), from common (adj.). From mid-15c. as "member of the House of Commons."
noble (n.)
"man of rank, person of acknowledged social or political preeminence; person of rank above a commoner," c. 1300, from noble (adj.). The same noun sense also is in Old French and Latin. From mid-14c. as the name of an English coin first issued in reign of Edward III.

Legal Form "character" is a Legal Name

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

interesting. Is this why the Brunson case can move forward with "common" names vs "proper" names?

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Fraud does what?

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Fraud vitiates everything (FVE)... so we still must tackle it from both constitutions, correct? Via the corporate constitution, they have legalized fraud as long as two thirds of them agree, but the constitution itself still holds them accountable? Or are they culpable from both?

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Both, that is why [THEY] are attempting to change it

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

😁OK! Back to the battlefield! We learn the law one chat at a time and next thing you know, half the country understands how the law works...wait...how are {they] currently attempting to change it? Other than the medias gaslighting nonstop...

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

you have already answered your question
Law of Flow, where the public goes, so does the Nation

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Thank you! That developed into some great conversation and ideas for folks last night!

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

See, it is not difficult once you remove bias from the equation. You can begin to understand and know the process and works by [THEIR] means, but either way, they are tools which can be used against them and why IT must be rewritten or simply removed from prying "EYE"s, it is too late for [THEM] to do so.

The jig is up

"OUR" pleasure always

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Most times I want this to just be done so I can get back to what the good Lord trained me for, helping people heal themselves…then I realize I am on this fork in the road for a reason and it all makes sense again! This too is part of the healing process!

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

You are not the only one who feels that way. Yet, that is the role we must play in this theater of personas. But what a Grand Play it is! For the first time, since the peak of Atlantis, the world is truly uniting as ONE. A New World Order built by the people and for the people, and not the psychopaths.
But first, old wounds must be healed, as you have stated

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

The age of Aquarius…humanity working FOR humanity…

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Yes it is
It has been a very long time coming

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

If we were to rewrite the thirteenth amendment, would we simply leave off the title portion and leave the gifting in place, or add foreign in front of the title?

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Not sure, there too many factors at the moment
That would be up to the public and the Reps they elect
The pendulum can swing either way

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

yes. but if i were to get the conversation going, what would be preferred?

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Either way, it is a grift, but I understand, so I would go with a rewrite and add foreign, so both, because it was not ratified, therefor null and void

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

That is what I could not figure out. some say it was some say it wasn't.

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

If IT was hidden then IT was not ratified, even though they say it is
If the U.S. corp was installed, then IT is not legal
If the former Nation State know as America ceased to exist, then IT can not be ratified, because of fraud, no representation
If the U.S. corp is a colony of the Crown and property of the London Charter, then the above remains true
If America is held in contempt of payment for the war effort, then the Charter is still in effect and thus the debt has not been cured, thus the constitution is null and void, due to forfiture
Are you beginning to "SEE"
It is all a grift no matter how you place it
And if America did exist, then why all that is happening these days?

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

Nick Fiorenza. Miss him. Was he too outspoken? Too soon?

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication


Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

i find it so incredibly strange that his page is suspended in the wayback machine… Just curious…

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

That truly is strange

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

the only one i have ever seen, but his readings on the alignment of the stars were incredible. We do succeed!

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

some people are born with the gift of foresight and while there are those who use it for the benefit of Humankind, or not so much, and it is the latter that "WE" are preoccupied with

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

everything evil was first created good. My focus has been on aligning the energy from bad to good. We have discovered that they use the frequencies of the constellations against us. Hence everything is always “by the numbers”. He was teaching us how to raise the vibration of the frequencies, knowing where each frequency collided with another. it was a fascinating study.

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Yes, in a way, but [THEY] are not using the constellations against us, [THEY] are using us against the constellations, think about it
There is an axiom that states
"the foolish are ruled by the stars, and the Master rules the stars"
It all begins and ends with us

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

precisely! They lower our vibration through toxins and nutrient deficiencies and angry drama, whereby the frequencies in our environment are lowered.

example. in the next few months mercury(our voice) will be crossing in front of Neptune(illusions). in knowing, we can focus our frequency on our voice breaking the illusions, rather than their voice causing the illusion.

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Appaloosa in this post can reply

In response Appaloosa 5250 to her Publication

question is, who's voice?
The one [THEY] want us to regurgitate?
Or our Inner voice?
Many, choose poorly

Holistic Health Coach, WWG1WGA, Grandma

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

correct. But in knowing, we tend to make better choices on which to listen to. “Lifting of the veil “

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