"WE" had informed you over 7 months ago
Mystic Knight@mysticknight
7 months ago
The wokes are not shitting bricks because Elon bought Twatter and "They" will not be able to censor anymore
"They" are shitting bricks because "They" know the secret concatenate link strings will reveal a very disturbing censored feed, gate kept by the very wokes who call themselves saviors
Many do not equate Musk with more than his businesses, but he is from South Africa, where they have maintained "farms" for thousands of years longer than the Americas. This hugely bigger than just free speech...and twitter is global...
know the secret concatenate link strings
He is hinting at it
link me to a crash course. not beginner, can handle intense study.
If you mean the link strings, I am truly sorry, I can not,
Musk will release it when it is time to, it does belongs to him
If you mean esoteric studies
What would you like to know?
Most likely, it will not be posted but will show how, when and what [THEY] were doing
lol...C++...I quit working with that a quarter century ago!
LoL, where they to and who connected is the most important part
As you already know, nothing is lost nor useless when it comes to the net
it is a good thing too! I am currently on a crash course on the differences between the two constitutions, Republic and corporation. Whew! so glad for the net!
Oh the irony
The very tool of enslavement became the tool for freedom
and vise versa...it is a fine line and quite the mess. Today is one of those days when I just want to close my eyes and imagine what it could be if we all learned to just be kinder. I have a dream... of everyone being so wealthy that money means nothing, and if you need a service, you must be kind enough to a person to make them WANT to gift their time and aide to you....it always comes back to that pesky "free will". People have to WANT to be kinder....this missing original Thirteenth amendment is quite interesting though...
In time the public will, it is free will after all and though it may seems uncomfortable at the moment, they will realize it when they crash. Look at the former Twit employees, most now see what was done because of their foolishness. It is over and they know it. but most of America must awaken personally or rudely.
Funny how slavery was never abolished.
Your crimes? Breathing the air [THEY] believe [THEY] own, walking the Earth [THEY believe is [THEIRS], drinking the waters [THEY] believe [THEY] manifest and for simply existing.
Thus mRNA, war on drugs, war on crime, etc...
They Live is a documentary