Not all red lights are stop signs or brothels. Sometimes it's just home decor.
Pensions and mortgages act as social control
Watch now (7 min) | Everything is connected into one giant network of systems of (corrupt) power should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
One of the hardest decisions (yet liberating) was to leave the company I was at for 11 years. I was a laborer for a large railroad and had a pension plan and 401K. I cashed out the 401K, knowing I would be penalized, but it was the best choice at the time.
I became a slave to my own retirement fund, always worrying about how much to put in, if I would even make it to the age "they" determined.
By not having it any more, I have come to the realization, I am not being controlled by that company any more. Hard life choices sometimes give sweet spiritual rewards.