Juan O Savin

If you’d asked people 6 months ago
who should be Trump’s running mate?
‘Oh it’s DeSantis, DeSantis, DeSantis.’
There was this inner circle
pushing hard to get DeSantis..
You know what’s really going on?
You’ve got people very close even to President Trump
that are trying to tweak & twist & turn every circumstance..
Sometimes in spycraft
they’ll try to taint the good guy as being the bad guy
so you’re not sure which ally to trust..
Somewhere in there VERY close to Trump
is a group of people that have been pushing for DeSantis
that really aren’t Trump’s friends
& they’re VERY close to him.
Those have to be flushed out..
This period of time, even after the 2020 Vote
has helped to flush out
The real risk for.. Trump right now
is while this is being vetted out,
who’s gonna stay with him?


Only people mentioned by @KatistheSea3 in this post can reply

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I'm standing with Trump!!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I trust Trumps instincts. He dosen't show his hand and he knows. WHOEVER HE CHOOSES WILL BE THE BEST CHOICE, SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS, LOL

In response Teresa Andersqn to her Publication

😹 Agree 💯 CAPS & all! 💖🌟

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Retired psychologist. Love USA, POTUS, vets. Here to support those who aren't quite "there." Twt axed me same day as DJR. badge of h

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I will stand true to our rightful President - despite all the hate I get from others.

Love my president. Animal lover, coal miners daughter, retired, lives in WV..God always wins.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I think it's general Flynn.

I'm a patriot. I am here to learn & share the truth. I am looking forward to President Trumps return & the Great Awakening.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I really feel that people in government let power, money and greed control their thinking. I seriously think that most of them should be dumped. Trump would be better off surrounding himself with common...hard working class. I feel that any one of us would be more loyal and trust worthy. Any one of us would be honored to work for him at a fraction of what these so called called politicians get paid. They have taken advantage of "We the People". They don't care about their country. We love our country. I really wish there was a way to read someone's heart before placing them into positions.

You're describing the way the deep state demons
did "government."
The "governments" in the New World
will be 90% smaller than all these are now.

In fact, I would suggest we won't need "government" at all.
Maybe one Earth Ambassador & that's it!

No more borders, no more countries, no more passports, etc.
Throw out the demon matrix
& make this Heaven on Earth
which, imo, was God/Source/All There Is' intention
in the first place 🤩💞😇

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Carbon based breather of air. Keeper of candles and minder of bridges. Coauthor of War!Sing

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Me. ☺️
Of course

In response Bim Fetii to her Publication


#LoyaltyThroughThickAndThin ‼️

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PhD -Aberdeen, UK 2012, Early Modern Scottish/British History Mom, Wife of Ted (6-18-2023), ULTRA MAGA Patriot

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I know he's accomplished some 'good things' while POTUS was publicly in office, but I suspect the inner circle person that is VERY close is Jerrod Kushner.
Just a gut feeling and we'll see. Ivanka and Jerrod have close friends that are very liberal indeed. It will be interesting to see who the person in the inner sanctum that turned on the best POTUS ever is.

In response Cheryl Garrett to her Publication

In this Shakespearean Drama War For Planet Earth
who is a what is hard for us to tell
but when you're THE MAN in THE POSITION

All those plays I read in High School are coming back to me
with GREAT clarity.
The tangled webs, infiltrators, traitors, incestuous courts,
all true, all here, all now.

The other day Q The Storm Rider posted:
"For the first time in History
The U S. Has everything out needs
👉[DS] KENNEDY (The bad side of the Kennedy family)
etc. etc. etc..."

I thought "bad side of the Kennedy family????"
You just never know.
Best to reserve judgement until Q's credits roll! 🍿🤷‍♀️

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Anyone who has anything negative to say about the man GOD raised up is not anyone I will believe, support or respect! Amazed by the Christians who still don’t get it!! GOD bless and protect our MAGAnificent President Trump , his family and the warriors freeing millions! ✝️🇺🇸✝️

In response Loves America to her Publication


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US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Those who seek to substitute candidates other than President DJT are traitors. Those who will never support candidates other than President DJT are patriots. Difference between traitors and patriots - follow the money. Patriots are supporting DJT because they (like Trump) love this country. We are not seeking fame or fortune. We are seeking freedom from the DS Cabal so that we can rebuild our country and live in peace and harmony with our newly won freedom. Traitors will always be bought and sold to the highest bidder. They have their reward alright. But our reward of freedom for all will last for eternity.

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

Beautifully said, Brandy,
& imo, 💯 TRUTH 🙏💞🦅💞🇺🇸💞

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American Patriot, Native Floridian, Quasi Off The Grid Rural Swamp Dweller (By Choice!). Trump/MAGA Supporter. Banned Off Twit,YT,IG..next?

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

My loyalty to POTUS Trump never waivers. While DeSantis seems like a good guy and is doing a great job for us here in Florida, he can have his run for prez when DJT has completed his terms...until then, there is ONLY Donald J Trump.

In response Gunslinger Girl to her Publication


Trump Follower....WWG1WGA....SAVE THE CHILDREN......Christian...Conservative...

In response Gunslinger Girl to her Publication

check out my profile at all the research that has been done on DeSantis and you will understand why President Trump calls him sanctimonious……

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
In response Stacey Stands Up to her Publication

Respect, love & appreciation for Admiral Mike Rogers
eternally 💞🇺🇸💞

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I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I Stand With Trump Until the End-Beginning!!!!!

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

1 TRILLION % 💞🦅💞🇺🇸💞🤩


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Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Fiercely for Trump

In response Green 8700 to her Publication

A trillion % 💞🦅💞🇺🇸💪🤩

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Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication


In response connie wright to her Publication

Me2!!! 🤩💞🇺🇸🙏

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Sorry,I think President Trump thinks for himself lol

In response Happy Days to his Publication

Totally. He's a GENIUS.
But it's tricky.
Infiltration at the highest levels
including, possibly, your own family.
Especially if you're a powerhouse like President Trump.

That's why I put him on the Iron Throne!
EVERYBODY wants to control America
& POTUS is standing in the way
for Freedom, Sovereignty & for ALL 😿🙏💞🦅💞🇺🇸

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"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

its sad that people have to be questioned after a plan that has been in the works for some 60years no they know who but must show the people how could you be th governor of a state that allow disney to traffick run there show only this past year did DeSantis make some kind of push against disney it was done to distance himself make himself look like a champion against all of but it was small minor compared to all that went on there.

In response Sneakers 359 to his Publication

Brilliant point, Sneakers 💪⚔️🛡️

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Human, fluoride free, unvax'd since 93, homeschooled g6+, 80%unimployed(20yrs), internet searcher (fitness, health, truth, interestings)

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I thought Kayleigh McEnany would be an interesting choice.

In response MrE Kuff to his Publication

Interesting. Or Kari Lake 🤩

I don't believe President Trump is going to announce
that he's "running" for POTUS.
He WON 2020.
He didn't concede.
the legally unanimously elected Commander-in-Chief
by the Armed Forces of America, including Space Force.

If we're going to do something NESARA-like
then after the "official" announcement of NESARA
there are 120 days to a new Election
& that's across the board in America.

We can be sure this current Traitorous government
will mostly be (are already) in prison.

I've always believed the POTUS after Trump is JFK.
That HE is either our 46th POTUS
or the 19th President of the Republic.

I still believe it 💞⚔️🛡️🇺🇸

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Deep cleaning
Trump Quicksand

In response Johnny Five to his Publication

& Shakespearean!!! Lordy!!! 🙀⚔️🛡️💪💥

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Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication


Let's see what happens

Trump: 'I love getting even with people' - YouTube

During a 1992 interview with Charlie Rose, Donald Trump discussed his views on loyalty.

a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

the game of RISK

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I hope Trump has a well practiced 'gut feel' for people.

I'm thinking this is OUR test - to see if we have reached that magic 60% that are tapped in, able to feel truth.

In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

I think we're there, Carole.
It's actually 80+%
that need to be on the same page that
They don't all need to be Trump supporters
just in agreement that our country is going down the drain.
We're THERE now, you can feel it.

But it's still Chess... they make a move, we make a move.
On this same video, Juan talks about that.

He said, "Some people are saying
Let's get on with it! Let's get on with it! Let's get on with it!
Ready, Aim, Fire is NOT an option.
Both sides are going to do something..."

But we're very close to SOMETHING BIG.
Let's see what President Trump announces
@ Mar-a-Lago on Tues. the 15th 👀🤔

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A grandmother that thanks God every day for DJT. Totally behind "Q". Thanks to all I follow that keep me informed. Great time to be aliv

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

A fox smells his own hole first.