I must confess each day I try to get on with work/life etc. but it has really taxed me out thinking about the children. I've seen death, destruction, violence, and disaster and always felt secure and in control dealing with it all. But the scope and depth of what has been happening to children and the fact that it has been going on for so long shakes me to my core. Initially I want the guilty to face justice, and I want the rescued to find comfort and healing. But for so many it's too late. Prayers seem pathetically inept at bringing resolution.
When i first started researching about the missing children, George HW Bush was president. I was so angry and it made me feel helpless and grief stricken to know our own government (CIA & FBI) procured children for wealthy politicians. My only solace was that the ones no longer with us were with Jesus and that God was going to banish these people from heaven for touching one hair in malice.