So.. Remember this Video, Pompeo talking to the CCP Compromised Governors?
Well… since ALL the 💩 is hitting the Fan, what happens if these GOVS are called out between now and Midterms? That would mean Texas GOP Primary Winner, ABBOTT, may be unable to run (Thank Goodness) but who would Run in his place? Other States in same situation! 😳 🤷♀️
i dont trust Pompeo one ioda. something stinks about him.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
See I do..and he is one of few. at first I wasnt sure but i been keeping my eye on him..and so far..he has come out clean. Doesn't mean he is..just cant find anything that rubs me wrong. I know Steve Pchenick(?) said he was dirty. I know Pompeo's lost weight (which isnt a big deal to me) and had on a boot..but overall..he has stayed the course with everything he has said. so maybe he was dirty but flipped.....