Bill Cooper Red-Pilled Q (big statement but backed up with irrefutable evidence ... don’t forget to scroll through the pics for all the proofs)

Bill Cooper wrote about these things in 1991; Q-Clearance, Anons, The Great Awakening, Mirror, 5-D Chess, October Surprise, Seek Truth, Do your own research, White Hats/Black Hats, Deep State, Virus, Vaccine, Good v Evil, Martial Law, Riots ...

Enjoy this (very) early unaired CNN interview with Bill Cooper (the man who red-pilled Q ...)

More intel incoming soon... Please Enjoy!
Bill realized the Cabal is using the Bible (revelations) as a play book to reach and help justify their evil ends and devised a counter plan to stop them and build a better world ... Q after being “turned on” to the game took Bill Cooper’s counter-measures and formulated The Plan as we know it today (it’s ALL in his book) which I highly suggest you read as does Q (see post 782):