Bill Cooper Red-Pilled Q (big statement but backed up with irrefutable evidence ... don’t forget to scroll through the pics for all the proofs)

137 / 107 ...
i couldn't 'wreck' the numbers just yet by liking/reposting 😆
where did i hear that Cooper may still be alive?
someone on anonup mentioned it this past week...🤔
not counting on it but you never know

Mom, lover of God, my fellow man and country. Wasn't always awake. Wasn't always a Trumper. I love my President! I love you all!
Doesn't mention anywhere that they killed him to silence him. Phil Schneider is another.

Yeah, this is one of the most accurate and in depth books on the NWO, antichrist, vaccines, and everything else going in. A MUST read.

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
I just bought a couple of his books! Thank you for posting this tasty morsel.

Here paying it forward. Blessed to be redpilled digital Soldier. Will not stop fighting until justice is served #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening
Bill Cooper red pilled my also.

bill cooper what a true patriot, behold a pale horse is fascinating and a must read.

Wife, Mom. Animal rescuer 🐶🐹🐰🐢 Patriot ✨🇺🇸🦅. L💕ve & L✨ght
its a really good informative book

my copy at home....

Idaho Patriot and truth seeker. Mom, wife and grandma. #WWG1WGA #MAGA President Trump will have my support until my dying breath.
We've had so many signs and prophecies! Look up Kenneth Hagin's prophecy in 1963 about America. He has so many warnings for us! He was a mighty man of God. Here is a short prophecy from 1980... funny that he uses the word "soldiers" in here. We are exactly where we are suppose to be. Praise God.
Prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin in 1980
The end of the age is coming upon this generation. The powers of darkness, the forces of evil are rampant as never before and they will be increased in intensity and velocity. And even many Christians will see and look upon these things and say, “Oh, th

Bill Cooper wrote about these things in 1991; Q-Clearance, Anons, The Great Awakening, Mirror, 5-D Chess, October Surprise, Seek Truth, Do your own research, White Hats/Black Hats, Deep State, Virus, Vaccine, Good v Evil, Martial Law, Riots ...

Enjoy this (very) early unaired CNN interview with Bill Cooper (the man who red-pilled Q ...)