Normies are going to have their trust in authority shredded. The last two years of "trial by endurance" (plus the years of being mocked beforehand) have shown what anons are made of. It gives the normies confidence that some people can be depended on when their whole world turns upside down.
Given that their trust was misplaced in the first place, it will serve as a good starting point.
We. Do, Not. Trust. Authority.
Verification is the ONLY way. NEVER trust their word, they must provide verification.
Personally I believe that we can now build systems to remove the need for "Authority" figures. Given they are flawed human beings anyway it's far too much of a temptation for those lustful for power.
Direct democracy can be arranged with steep hurdles for law change proposals. Simplified laws and decentralized law enforcement should help. And perhaps the removal of straw man companies/corporations?