Normies are going to have their trust in authority shredded. The last two years of "trial by endurance" (plus the years of being mocked beforehand) have shown what anons are made of. It gives the normies confidence that some people can be depended on when their whole world turns upside down.
I realized that all I could do is sprinkle the info. Nobody likes to be forced into anything, so baby-steps. Sure, I lost "friends" and was alienated by family left and right, but I kept focusing on the people who either got it or were TRYING to. They got (and still get) my attention and efforts. My hopes for them is that they too spread the word to their own friends and family. I notice such a change in myself now. I don't watch TV or lamestream, listen to music by pedos/cabal puppets, buy woke and.or pedo symbol products,etc. It's so effortless to just cut them all off now. Developed quite a thick skin too. Before, I was always ready to throw down, now I find walking away and refusing to engage in arguments, confrontations or fistacuffs a better option. I am happy with who I am and what I continue to do.π Blessings to allπ