Normies are going to have their trust in authority shredded. The last two years of "trial by endurance" (plus the years of being mocked beforehand) have shown what anons are made of. It gives the normies confidence that some people can be depended on when their whole world turns upside down.
i wonder lately, if they can't process, bc of cognitive dissonace
or bad diets full of inflammatory fast food non-foods and hfcs
and gmo's, or various stages of mental illness, whether
TDS-provoked, will many or most normies even be phased?
will many of them just go about like robot zombies in denial,
not caring about anything 'real'.
i was talking to some new neighbors in their 20s yesterday
and they said they do not read any type of news, or research anything, one of them always on his metaverse type gadgets
just a mere sampling, but sounds indicative of a majority of them: they just don't care... perfect subjects of c0mmunist agenda